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  1. Greensea

    Club Quantum Board

    Hello!! Im in the project to, building my first DIY led ligh with Samsung F-series led strips. Difference between A and B is that the A model has built in potentiometer and B don t... This is main difference... but u can have top shit DIY guide and a lot of useful information about last and...
  2. Greensea

    6 weeks into flower (photos)

    Very nice for 1st time grow... Good job with LST!! Keep growing!
  3. Greensea

    Auto HeavyBud 1x & 2xAuto BioDieselMass

    Today is 60th day from seed... This is Auto Heavy Bud and it is a 60-70 days from seed strain. The other 2 ladies Auto Bio Diesel Mass need to mature more as im making seeds. Seems ready to me, its my first coco try and im rly happy with results. Tomorrow i will have harvest :D
  4. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    A little update... I lollipopped lower branches only, didn't bended or scrog because i got 2 plants in soil behind this(last photo), need space to reach them for harvest. Tomorrow i will have harvest and i will organize space... I think now is a bit late to bend, so i will do the job with...
  5. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    Ok now im in idle mode and waiting seeds to mature... in that time im trying my new DYi bubbler cloner xD After 12 day roots are showing... 1 of clone is mature bud taken around 5th week flowering...
  6. Greensea

    Auto HeavyBud 1x & 2xAuto BioDieselMass

    Hey there... They are doing rly fine... I started new post on this girls as i tryed Collodial silver to make seeds... I belive im 1 week from harvest the auto heavy bud... But the other 2 i will leave 2-3 weeks more because i...
  7. Greensea

    67 days from seed- AUTOMAZAR

    Nice looking plant Esdreel! Can i suggest u to use some picture resizer when u post because a 3mb sized picture taking a bit to upload... and for security reason CLEAR ALL EXIF file!!!! actually i can see your adress and coorinates where photo are taken!!!! Im using FastStone PhotoResizer and...
  8. Greensea

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    Same here :/
  9. Greensea

    My first auto grow

    I think u need to switch when strech is done...
  10. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    OK so u believe i didn't lose the train... But still need wait male pollen to be mature...I read about it takes around 10 days... we will see...
  11. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    Standard good qality PPM pen isnt good for reading CS ppm? I measured ppm pre and after filtering and it was the same... And btw im using coins because i didnt find any local jewlery store with silver wire stocked and i just take austrian coin that it was in stock... I told the guy who sold me...
  12. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    Hey hello ... Well i have alot vertical space so this is not the problem + i wanna do 1 time without training supercroping because i never try like just go all the way.. Only think i do is a fim on main cola and now i got 3 :D i think i will lollipopp a bit yea... is not a bit to late maby? now...
  13. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    For making my CS Im using: - AC adaptor output : 12V, DC, 500mA... - 2 wires with aligator clips - 2 pure silver coins - 3 glass cups - lab. grade distilled water @ 0 PPM - cone coffe filters - dark brown glass sprayer - PPM reader After many tries i got my method sorted out... I m making...
  14. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    Those mine are Auto Heavy Bud from Advancedseeds
  15. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    Thanks!! xD As im noob with pollen and co. i need advice: 1. when is pollen ready to harvest and store? 2. store in freezer or refrigerator? if refrigerator in which department(meat,vegetables,drinks...) 3. how mature need to be female plant to inpollinate her...(how many weeks before harvest)...
  16. Greensea

    1st Try with Collodial silver

    Hello all! I did made my own collodial silver just for funn and to try make some automatic seeds... I was not expect that it will work but it did and now i have 2 beautifull leadies and 1 half hermie... I started spraying one of my ladies 1x day with my selfmade CS @ 45PPM on 2 lower branches...
  17. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    She is getting bigger and bigger day by day... 2 more weeks for girls behind and than all my flower room for this hungry girl...She is looking happy...
  18. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    Today i mooved her in flowering room. Its a 48 day veg old from clone... Soon i will take better photos... is a big girl now she barely keeps up herself, i think i will have to support her, but need figure out how...
  19. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    Update... Transfered into a bigger bucket, now is about in 12L of water @ 750ppm and ph stable @ 5.7...
  20. Greensea

    Small 4L dwc bucket

    Amnesia haze : THC 22% CBD Medium Yield Indoor 600-650gr m2 Yield Outdoor 650-700 grams per plant dried Height Indoor 80 - 140 cm Height Outdoor 175 - 210 cm Flowering time 10-11 Weeks Harvest month October Genetic background Original Amnesia Haze Type Sativa: 70% Indica: 30% Effect Extremely...