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  1. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Can roots be colored by hydroton orange dust? In my before setup i got clean healty roots all time but they was a bit teracotta orange, i thought they were painted by hydroton...
  2. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Sounds like this yea, especially because all problems started when i put Cannazyme. Before i buy cannazyme i start post because my roots : But i get no answers :/ So i do a mistake and put (for the 1st time at all) in...
  3. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Well i did autopsy to the roots and all (3) "tap" root was intact... Just all tiny hairy roots have become like molten, yesterday (before ress change) they was pearl white super healthy... I'm mad at myself for yesterday ress change... On my 1st grow i didnt change ress at all, i got Critical...
  4. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Isnt "tap root" a main thick root?
  5. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    I think the same thing, so I was even more heart hurt when I do this. But now for a couple of days I will not have enough time to dedicate her. So i belive i do the right thing. Also because I think it wouldt help anything.
  6. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    I really appreciate your efforts and interest!! ALOT!!! I take hard decision and after nonstop spraying and sitting in ph-ed water for 4h, it seems a bit worst not better i think it dead, and i take her away... I just never saw that fast wilting... Here was a root problem, the tiny hairs on root...
  7. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Got this baby in tap water 10L, 5g mineral magic, 2ml bioroots... Do u think is better only water? Or water + Flora kleen... And maby i need to treat her like clone ? trimming a bit fan leaves etc..
  8. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Sorry my english is bad :D I never put more than 25ml/10L of cnnazym. I know they are enzyimes, i need them cos im using GH subculture to kieep away slimes and fungi, i think i enzymes to clean up a bit bio waste if im in right... Ok but if i fried roots... is there any way to recover them...
  9. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Strange thing yea... i think i dmaged roots in some way but i rly dont know how ... never happened before... She was my best plant till today im in a half way to take her away i dont rly know how save her... Maby idea of treating her like clone is ok ... but how i can cure roots... My tap water...
  10. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Hello guys im so so sad today. NEED FAST HELP!!!!! MY Royal AK Auto is dying!!! Yesterday i changed a nute solution in my DWC, got 2 buckets 1 is 10L with 1 baby in and 20l with 4 ladies in... I went in my growroom today i saw a sad sad thing, the single plant in 10L looking tottaly dead, but...
  11. Greensea

    LST autoflower after 1 month

    Hey! I trained my plants at 3rd week and failed on 1 of my plant which tottaly broke at 1st node(just 1mm of skin hold her together)... But recover was fast and nice... 2 week more to harvest :D Strain is Northen lights auto. P.S. LST her when she is thirsty.
  12. Greensea

    Co2 virgin

    Did u try Co2 Bags?? they are cheep and working for 6 months. Exhale Co2 bags. Got this im my growroom this round. But i cant tell u if working or not cos is my 1st Auto grow and dont have previous experience to see the difference with/without this bag. But my noob opinion is they are doing the...
  13. Greensea

    Root Rot?!? AK Auto DWC

    Maby i need some enzymes like Cannazym? I do not use any enzymes and i do not change water in ress. The subculture keep slimes and fungi away but think i need somekind of enzymes to remoove dead roots... The GH dont have any product to klean dead roots, instead they have a biofilter but i cant...
  14. Greensea

    Root Rot?!? AK Auto DWC

    Sorry maby the light are not the best to see, but in the red circles is a darker spot on the roots...
  15. Greensea

    Root Rot?!? AK Auto DWC

    Hey guys i have something strange happening on my roots... Plant looks fine but i spoted something strange, i cant tell if root rot or somethink different. No smell at all. im using GH flora 3 part + Bio Bloom from GH + Im using the GHE Subculture to pervent any slime or rot... maby i overdosage...
  16. Greensea

    how many pounds will i get????

    Also try this :
  17. Greensea

    how many pounds will i get????

    How do u manage smell? Think is hard with that monster...
  18. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    OK ... can i start clones (mother is now 3 day old seedling in soil) till rooting in a Root riot under dome than when rooted put in a coco small cup and than change it (when need) to a bigger pot coco / hydroton mix ending with aprox 4 gal pot? I intendet to feed them by dripping ring with Canna...
  19. Greensea

    nute def.? or what? please help!

    Thnx guys! Cant wait new grow :D Just started a mother plant (Medical strain Royal Higness) i will take clones from her to put in new grow. Think im gonna try coco/hydroton mix with timed drip system with 3 clones.
  20. Greensea

    Vermiculite at the Bottom of the Pot

    What about mixing Hydroton?