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  1. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    Hahaha Maby camera for colonoscopy would be cool :D
  2. Greensea

    2x300wChinese led + 400w hps/Dwc,soil,LST...

    I resolved problems, so im back here. Harvested 3 of my 8 babies in soil... they are dryng... photo inc soon... Still got 5 in soil and they are doing well... Sorry for light, next update will be with...
  3. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Ok 1st of all sorry for lights but wasnt able to set on daylight, i will next update. roots looks much better, Ph is drpping from 5.8 to 5.0 ppm from 950 to 730 in 2 days, thats nice sign of recovery i think... note the yellow tops just only 2... maby light burn? 20cm from top cooltubed...
  4. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Now im trying to go with bennys, but if things go wrong again i will try sterile method...
  5. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Guys! I have wonderfull news ... Seems all is working fine now .... I think the enzimes start working and the subculture to... I cant take photo atm but i will soon. I can see alot of new little roots incoming from net pot and they are so white :D Im still confused on my dead plant but ok i...
  6. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    I will try find Zone but i think i cant order in my country... I do a little research and in EU u can buy only in UK... And i cant order form UK... :/
  7. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Ah got it here : As Hygrozyme is the only known market solution that can be used in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide in a ppm of 1 - 2% solution, some operators use this combination to clean, sterilize, and oxygenate roots. So Hygrozyme is unique product as i can see..
  8. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Hygrozyme is like cannazime i suppose?? I didnt get the other one .. zone...? Again i suppose zero is a somekind of sterile agent right?? But if im right setrile agents and enzimes cant work together....or? Any way if my try wont work i will sterilyze all my setup with h2o2... but for the...
  9. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Just prepared a H2o2 sterile noozle spray and new h2o2 container. Bit i changed my mind and ill keep like this for 2-3 days, maby i can see a little recover, i need to wait a bit the plant looks nice, roots look less slimy... i will control this and take photo after 2-3 days to see the...
  10. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Hahaha yea talk about my roots :D Still need advice what to do ... Errm... no... got it! need sterilize all and do all overagain... :/ ok Work .. in .. progress...
  11. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Bwahahaha. I never was because I was too fat... True story... :lol:
  12. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    :bigjoint:White Widow Auto From RQS:bigjoint:
  13. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Hehehe yea. I would like to have 3 growrooms. If it is legal here, would certainly have 3 even more :D
  14. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Hahaha it was my 1st and last auto i think... But never say never... Only advantage i can see is u can have alot of different strains, with different veg/flower stage in the same growroom. *See photo this is behind my dwc. Autos in soil. Ohh yea and if u have space issue they are good to. Thats...
  15. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    And here is the Other bucket STILL happy and alive with 4 plants in... BUT... LOOK.... ROOT ZONE: Prevalence of dark sopts did not change only the color is darken. im observing this for aprox last 10days 2x day. 2 day ago i did ress change with 850ppm Gh flora series, Cannazyme, GH...
  16. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Ok there is update on my dead plant and root autopsy!!! NEXT ONE I DO RLY RLY SOFT PRESSION WITH FINGERS BUT ROOTS WENT OFF LIKE BUTTER:
  17. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Is same as Cannazyme maby?
  18. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Ok... My water temp is rising to max 68F/20oC and i have industrial airpump and got 3x airstone in 10l/5,6gal bucket, but i think i got somethink incoming bad on roots... Like i said before there is some darker sopt crating on roots just above the netpot, im to noob to know what it is but it...
  19. Greensea

    Light burn in early flowering !!!

    Im a noob, but i can see there is nothing u can do anymore i think... But maby im in wrong, and even if u can save them, you can not expect any good results. I will start new grow, your last soil mix seems ok, just use bigger pots and maby just 2 seeds, but get 2 quality fem seeds so u wont be...
  20. Greensea

    !!URGENT!!My plant is dying!!HELP!! - DWC

    Please suggest me treatment to clean and keep away root problems (slime, fungi) in Single bucket DWC. Is there only 2 options?? Beneficial bacteria tea or H2o2 treatment...?