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  1. G

    Cloning, When to do it?

    You can easily get 25 clones off a two month old mother in a 3 gallon pot. You can take clones off any plant in veg (in flower as well but that's more difficult and takes a few tricks) anytime you want from any place on the plant. Make sure the plant is healthy, and spray preemptively for pests...
  2. G

    Two runs into same dish?

    I don't see why that would be a problem. The only thing I would worry about is if the trim is different qualities then you would be mixing them together.
  3. G

    How much longer to harvest you guys think?

    At most 10 more days.
  4. G

    Ideal Ph for Promix

    I never added any lime and I had great results with pro-mix. I generally pH my nutrient mix at 5.8. I water 5 gallon pots about twice a week and give them about 3/4 of a gallon each. Try Canna Terra nutrients on it, easy to use and phenomenal results!!!
  5. G

    smart pots

    Yes you can reuse them. Yes they are extremely durable I've drug 60 Gallon smart pots across cement when they were fully watered and they never tore. No they don't tip over easily. Although for indoor I would say there is no benefit in using them. I would suggest them for outdoor they seem to...
  6. G

    SPOTS!!!( Pictures)

    When flushing try use 25% strength mix meaning dilute your normal nutrient mix so it is only 25% as strong. When flushing with just tap or RO water sometimes plants will show signs of deficiencies. I wouldn't change anything too drastically yet the plant looks happy overall at this stage focus...
  7. G

    Open Fixture Question

    I've never seen an unsealed hood that has ducting fixtures attached to it. Why do you not want to have a sealed hood?
  8. G

    Tube Heater Doesn't seem effective.

    A thousand watt heater can easily keep a 30'x30' area at 62 degrees when the average outside temperature is about 30 degrees F. Even if my room drops to about 55 during the dark cycle I'm not too concerned even if my containers are on a cement floor. It doesn't hurt the yield or quality and the...
  9. G

    Everyone Has Their Own Little Trick. Whats Yours??

    Keep a journal. Keep track of your environments average daily humidity and temperatures, what mix you watered with, how high the lights are above your canopy, how intense the lights are, as well as anything you did to the plants such as topping, foliaring, thinning out, etc. I also keep a camera...
  10. G


    In flood and drain systems you will want to flood your media 30 minutes every three hours only while the lights are on. If you have any more questions you can msg me.
  11. G


    I think you'd be fine starting flower under them. Some people even switch to red bulbs and flower under t5s. You won't get huge impressive colas like you will with HIDs and it won't be as dense but you can still produce quality product with t5s.
  12. G

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    Some people try and gain credence by attacking others. Generally I've noticed the successful farmers are secure enough that when someone shows us even a crappy looking buds you compliment it and tactfully give them advice. Growing quality indoors is extremely difficult and take trial and ERROR...
  13. G

    Good t5 for a 3x3

    Two Sun Blaze 22's from Sunlight Supply will fit in perfectly and then you can raise one and keep the others closer to the clones. Msg me if you have any other questions brother...
  14. G

    Folks what is the difference between..

    It's a felony to make your own liquor and a felony to make more than a few gallons of beer per year per adult in each American household... The Government sucks so when Obama tells you to trust the Government just think of how stupid these laws are...
  15. G

    Please Help! 3rd post trying to solve this "defeciency". (Pics) Here's a link that goes over the essential minerals what they do and how to identify deficiencies. If you are using a nutrient that contains everything the plant needs,which you are, just raise the base up. General Organics needs to be used at...
  16. G

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Put a piece of cardboard under your can in the dispenser it will make it fit tighter. I know it's jerry rigging it but ONA sprays are just so much more potent than their competition.
  17. G

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Ozone generators work but ozone O3 can be harmful to plants in huge amounts so make sure you are exhausting the O3 out generally the only people who use ozone generators are huge farmers in city settings and they attach an inline ozone generator to their carbon filter to make sure the air being...
  18. G

    Probably a stupid question

    You can do it how you said. But there are a couple advantages to having it completely sealed. First if you are using CO2 you won't be exhausting it out. Secondly if you need to control odor and you attach a carbon filter to the open end you will be sucking air through the carbon filter...
  19. G

    Pro mix hp nutrients recommandation's ?

    I've had great results with Pro Mix high porosity. I've used General Hydro's Flora Series, Botanicare's Pure Blend, Advanced Nutrient's Connoisseur, and Canna's Terra and Coco mixes. I prefer using Canna Coco on Pro Mix because the media has a very low NPK. I start by transplanting my cuttings...