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  1. G

    Is my plant budding?

    Hmmm it's tough to tell from that picture because I do see what looks like one bud site. That being said I also notice that there are no hairs on the other nodes so I would say that no it isn't flowering. Make sure it is getting at least 16 hours of light preferably 18. Make sure no intense...
  2. G

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    LOL I'll take 1200 lbs of any strain at the right price....
  3. G

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    If you are getting 2 lbs a plant you are vegging way too long. Your largest part of your overhead will be your electricity even at the business rate of 9 cents a killowatt hour. Therefore the longer your veg the more that plant cost you to grow therefore reducing your profit margin. The more...
  4. G

    Should water be PHed for final flush?

    pH stands for power of Hydrogen or pondus hydrogeni which is latin for potential hydrogen. Hydrogen is responsible for moving cations (minerals) across the anions (negatively charged root cells). If the pH is too low you can have deficiencies if it is too high you can have burns. pH is also...
  5. G

    Should water be PHed for final flush?

    Flushing is the act of running lots of water through your media to wash out excess salts that may build up, for example you would run 10 gallons of water through a 3 gallon pot. "Leaching" is the act of not giving your plants any Nitrogen for the last couple of weeks of flower. Leaching can...
  6. G

    Low humidity during veg a big problem????

    I've grown in the Desert for years I love when I see my humidity at 30% it means I don't have to worry about powdery mildew. My yields and quality aren't affected by it, don't trip you'll be fine.
  7. G

    What could i grow outdoor in Northern Michigan?

    If you plant in May some strains will start to flower because the day is still too short. I recommend going out in early June. Blue dream, hash plant, green crack, all do great outside. All strains will grow outside but some strains are more susceptible to pests and mildews. Also some strains...
  8. G

    can i shut inline off...landlord has some work to do.

    They do make mufflers that will help quiet it some. You will be fine if you shut it off for a couple of hours. The only thing I would be worried about is if your humidity goes too high and that could lead to powdery mildew, but I doubt that will happen if it's just one day for a couple of hours...
  9. G

    Basement winter temps???

    You can use heat pads with a thermostat for the clones in the dome? Is that what you're worried about it being too cold for the clones?
  10. G

    CA/Bay Area Vendors Union: What to grow, where to sell and how to sell

    I got a buddy who owns a dispensary here in the valley he always has good genes and they're pest and mildew free. Look up my shop on google it's my avatar name.
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    CA/Bay Area Vendors Union: What to grow, where to sell and how to sell

    Stop by my shop on Ashe and White lane I can give you some advice in person.
  12. G

    CA/Bay Area Vendors Union: What to grow, where to sell and how to sell

    Many indoor Gardeners live hand to mouth and they have lots of bills. A 1000 dollar electric bill is a small gardener. So they generally need money quickly and the vendors realize that they have the upper hand so they have been able to strong arm the farmers...
  13. G

    What's up with my plants?

    I've been using Canna nutes for nearly a decade now. Here's a couple of tips first of use a RO to filter your water this will remove your chlorine fluoride as well as your calcium. Then use Botanicare Cal-Mag starting at about 5 ml per gallon for plants this size. You're A and B should be at...
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    Double Harvest

    I've been farming over 15 years I've tried this technique and when I have the lower buds never reach their full potential.
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    Double Harvest

    bloom foods? As in Potassium and Phosphate?
  16. G

    Double Harvest

    Whenever I have tried doing that it stresses the plant and the lower buds never reach their full potential. I recommend just waiting until the plant finishes ripening.
  17. G

    Feasibility study for Commercial Grow

    You will need about a 1,000 dollars in equipment for every 16 square feet of grow area that includes everything except nutrients and media. At .36 cents per kilowatt rate your electric bill will be about 150 dollars for every 16 square feet. Nutrients media and CO2 will cost you about 250 for...
  18. G

    Is selling really that profitable?

    In central CA a 20 lighter costs about 21,750 grand to do a crop from start to finish. That includes electricity at the residential rate (3000 a month) Depreciation of your gear (500 a month) Mortgage (1200) Nutrients Coco and CO2 (1500 a month) Manual labor ( 2500 a month most of this cost is...
  19. G

    curing going on 21 days still hay smell

    Smell isn't going to be enhanced from curing, however, improper curing can ruin your flowers smell. If your product doesn't have a potent aroma it is either the strain isn't that strong or the plant was stressed during flower. I recommend cutting down the entire plant and then removing the fan...
  20. G

    Building big grow room. Help needed.

    Relays will allow you to only need to add a couple of circuits and run a single line from each breaker to relay. Most newer homes have 200 amp mains here in America.