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  1. WDIK

    Hollow stems seen as a positive in Marijuana?

    Looks like a Siamese twin.
  2. WDIK

    Need help with flowering spectrum switch

    That's interesting. Never heard of anyone doing it like that before. Does anyone flower using 18/6? Is it even possible?
  3. WDIK

    If all I want is seeds, go 12-12 from seed?

    I guess I'm not following. A hermie trait from a plant that didn't hermie? I seriously don't know.
  4. WDIK

    Bah . do you use nutes?

    Now I really want to know what is up with the pomegranate. :)
  5. WDIK

    Gravity growing.

    Would be interesting to watch. A seedling with zero light still grows "upward" I believe the thing with Topsy Turvey Tomatoes is that the fruit eventually weighs the plant downward. Dunno, would still be interesting seeing an indoor grow like that. Watering could be an issue.
  6. WDIK

    Bah . do you use nutes?

    God didn't make Purple Raspberry-Vanilla Monkey Rape Skunk-Kush #6 either.
  7. WDIK

    Best plants to grow

    Tomatoes second? Are you crazy? Peppers should be second although I do like sweetcorn. I love when I can vote for both options in a poll. :)
  8. WDIK

    Need help with flowering spectrum switch

    No problem. Autos or Photos? For my auto grow I ran 3 to 1, 2700k to 6500k. Worked well for me. :dunno:
  9. WDIK

    Need help with flowering spectrum switch

    Are they autos or photos? ETA: I'm no expert, just parroting info I have read. If they are autos, you can switch any time, because they will flower when they are ready. Some advice I got when I was growing autos under CFL was to just go 2700k from the start. If photos, switch to 2700k when...
  10. WDIK


    You should not have to feed at all until 3-5 weeks. FFOF and soils like it have enough to get you through that time. The 2 basics I have learned: Don't over water and don't over feed.
  11. WDIK

    If all I want is seeds, go 12-12 from seed?

    My thought is to start the soon-to-be male/hermie 2 weeks before what will be the seed mom. I have heard the silver treatment can stunt them for a bit. Does this sound practical? Also, I'm sure I can look it up, but when do you start the silver treatment? <---- I looked this up. Sounds...
  12. WDIK


    You have a point there. People grow in all kinds of stuff. Pretty easy to blame "hot soil" when in most cases it is user error.
  13. WDIK

    Your Opinion On 18/6 vs 20/4 vs 24/0?

    My personal preference is 18:39/5:21, but you do whatever you want. :)
  14. WDIK

    Your Opinion On 18/6 vs 20/4 vs 24/0?

    Be different and split the difference using 19/5 Is there any rule that is has to be even numbers? :)
  15. WDIK

    Medical Marijuana a true medicine?

    Interesting that you can choose both options for each question. :)
  16. WDIK


    Walmart or Lowes will have seed starting soil. It doesn't have to be canna specific. Any plant seed starting soil will do. Like Bugeye said, you should not need nutes for the first 4-5 weeks. There's a post that was above yours with a guy that gave nutes too early, and now his plants are...
  17. WDIK

    How long to keep nute mixture?

    Since they are liquid nutes already containing 98%+ water, I don't see a problem storing the mix in a cool dark place for a while. Just be sure to shake well before using.
  18. WDIK

    Possible nute burn or deficiency? im not sure?

    Pictures would help. :)
  19. WDIK

    What if I want seeds and clones?

    In every thread about producing colloidal silver, there is a warning to not smoke the bud treated with the silver. Treat the the female plant with silver to produce female pollen. Pollinate female plant with female pollen to produce female seeds. Grow female plants from seeds. It would be...