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  1. Sparkticus

    New to Organics, New to the site. :)

    Welcome to RIU and Organics! Good thread on teas Good luck!
  2. Sparkticus

    Sick Seedling :( Save my Blue Cheese.

    Honestly, I can see over-watering. Said he's watering every 3 days? There's barley a root on that plant. Fat downward curl on leaves looks over watered. Necrosis from root-rot is possible. However, those are 2 weeks old, not 3 days (like they look). If those are 2 weeks old they should...
  3. Sparkticus

    deficiency identification

    I agree with Bug... there definitely looks like some heat issues. Although that yellowing on the other looks like some serious deficiencies. I have never used it, but I see A LOT of folks say FFOF is a hot soil. Maybe a good flush?
  4. Sparkticus

    First grow! 4 weeks into flower. Pics included

    LOL. Pretty sure everyone goes through it. It's your babies! The TLC goes a long way. Peeps would let you know if it was sad, haha.
  5. Sparkticus

    First grow! 4 weeks into flower. Pics included

    You're on the home-stretch for sure...something would have to go REALLY wrong at this point. Don't even stress yourself over yield...If you get through the first and you get some good nug, you did good. Tough to guess from pics but, it looks like your going to do okay though, haha.
  6. Sparkticus

    First grow! 4 weeks into flower. Pics included

    Excellent first grow, dude....Congrats! They fatten up the most in the last few weeks (wks 5-8 or so on 10 wk flowers for example) when the plant knows it's coming to it's end. Those pistils still look pretty white so, they still got some growing to do. Keep us posted!
  7. Sparkticus

    Drooping & Curling; She is sad. Help please

    Live and learn.
  8. Sparkticus

    Burnt Leafs ?

    The first pic definitely looks like bugs... mites, thrips, aphids or the like? Is anything jumping in the soil when you water? It could be babies in the soil. The second and third look like a deficiency. If you're absolutely sure the bugs or gone, it could just be residual damage from them...
  9. Sparkticus

    All-in-one organic soils

    Good info from everyone. Compost, compost, compost. You can always throw organic ferts with amendments in, but it all starts with good, aged, wormy compost. Mix in the soil before, use as a top dressing or in teas later, it'll never burn anything and it always seems to have what every plant...
  10. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    Yah, lol.
  11. Sparkticus

    Started flowering way too early

    Yeah, if the plant was in a window there was no way it was getting more than 12 hours of light a day. I agree with rd116. Put it under 24/0 and yank it out of flower.
  12. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    That is a good point, though. If there are existing infestations indoors...I don't know if it would do anything but keep hatch-lings off the plant. It was designed for outdoor gardening. But if used from the start indoors, you may be able to avoid any infestations that aren't in the soil from...
  13. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    Right on. It's all so mild but, bugs hate life around it, lol.
  14. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    Yeah I mean, my great grandma threw dishsoap on gardens, lol. It's the borax in it. The dishsoap actually helps to break down the cooked oils and blend them, too. This spray does kill on contact... might just stick and drown but, bugs definitely die, haha. Only if sprayed directly on them...
  15. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESEOME bug repellent.

    Sweet. I swear by it but, I'm curious to see how it stands up to different environments/bugs etc. Also not sure how effective it is against existing infestations. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. It can always be tweaked a bit to deal with specific problems.
  16. Sparkticus

    Organic, efficient, AWESOME bug repellent.

    I posted this in the general "Marijuana Plant Problems" section but, figured this was a better place to put it. Works really well so I hope this helps some folks. Just want to share an easy to make, very efficient bug repellent recipe. I use this on all my plants and it works for everything...
  17. Sparkticus

    all organic LIVE pest control!!!

    They're like my favorite bug, haha.