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  1. Sparkticus

    Weaving & Bobbing thru 1st Grow :)

    Sounds about right, lol. Experience is the best teacher but like you said, at least you have some info coming out of the gate. It's nice to have a place to look when somethings going on with your baby.
  2. Sparkticus

    Pre-flower or just new growth?

    You have two plants in a what... a gallon window box? They're never going to get big in a box that small. They're competing with each other and there's not a whole lot of space for roots to grow. Small roots = small plants. Any fan in there? The leaves on top are too close to the light (the...
  3. Sparkticus

    These r males, right?

    Yeah, if there's little clusters like grapes it's a male. Sucks.
  4. Sparkticus

    Weaving & Bobbing thru 1st Grow :)

    Nice job on your first! If they live and you get anything from them, it's a successful first grow, lol. This site is filled with knowledgeable peeps and doing the research will pay off (looks like it already has). Good luck.
  5. Sparkticus

    These r males, right?

    Second from the bottom looks like a group of balls...Kinda tough to see though
  6. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    I would wait till you had some amber (5-10% AT LEAST). That's still the speedy buzz but okay smoke. Anything earlier is a waste. I go way further before I harvest like, 30% amber. I find by the time I'm done curing, it's just right. If I have a sativa strain that's speedy, I may go further...
  7. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    You'll thank us later. Of course, you'll still probably do it and then you'll know why we said not to, haha. Live and learn :grin: There's a lot of good info on this site. I highly recommend doing some reading. Experience and learning from other peoples mistakes keep us from making them...
  8. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    Okay man, you chop it up at 3 1/2 but... there will be no medication. You do NOT have the same thing you buy, RIGHT THERE. You're gonna smoke chlorophyll and get a headache....that's it. I am glad to buy when I know I'll just ruin my hard work for nothing. I have never chopped earlier than a...
  9. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    Also just a quick tip or two from the pics. Top earlier and clean some of those first sets of branches off before flower so you can harness the energy to your top nodes and the bud production. Only trying to help, dude. Don't want you to waste what work you've been putting in. Be patient (I...
  10. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    An early harvest is taking bud at 8 weeks when it's a 10 week strain. Or taking it when you look at the trichomes under a microscope and when there's 15-20% amber trichs, you give it a try. That's not an early harvest, that's a waste of time and energy.
  11. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    One of my plants in 3rd week of flower. This is the same plant 2 weeks later. For what? What's the point of cutting it? You're not going to get anything to smoke. There will be no buzz from anything you cut off that plant. Promise. Considering everything, it's pointless.
  12. Sparkticus

    Critique my first run, stealthy, cfl

    DON'T DO IT. There's nothing on the plant to smoke anyway, lol. I won't just say it, I'll tell you why. 1. Its nowhere NEAR ready. There's barely anything on that plant. That's still pre-flower. There's almost no THC and the THC on it is so young, it won't get you medicated. That's not...
  13. Sparkticus

    Drooping & Curling; She is sad. Help please

    New clones in a pot that big are tough to manage (speaking from experience). To water the soil you have to put WAY more water than needed for the tiny roots on the clone. The only way I got a clone to take was waiting for a solid little root ball, transplanting into a small 1 gallon (or less)...
  14. Sparkticus


    I did. It's early and minimal. That plant is very young and doesn't need much. Just water for the next week or two, then start a new feeding regiment. Do 1/4 to 1/2 recommended dose and increase as the plant gets bigger.
  15. Sparkticus


    I agree. Chill out and don't over love it to death, haha.
  16. Sparkticus

    male or.female

    early males... another....
  17. Sparkticus


    It looks fine, lol. There's a bit of burning there...I would just feed water for a little while and ease back on the nutes a little. You can increase the dosage as it gets bigger.
  18. Sparkticus


    Pics would really help. Yellowing or burnt tips is usually potassium or phosphorus from nute-lock (too much nutes). When did you start feeding her? They don't need much the first couple weeks or so..and usually people start a quarter or half the dosage of recommended nutes for a while. This...
  19. Sparkticus

    Greetings All. First time grower :D

    The best chance you're going to have is to set up some good soil, perlite and ferts in pots. Bone meal too, for root development. Set up your grow room. Leave the plants alone for a while and let them recuperate from the transplant you just did. Maybe give them a little top dressing of bone...
  20. Sparkticus

    male or.female

    Nice...I love the baby pics :clap:! Good luck. Following. Hopefully get some pretty purps.