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  1. Sparkticus

    Need help/suggestions!!!!!

    How cold is it? Seeds will germ from like 68 to 85 degrees. 70-75 being optimal, I believe. Don't over-think it, brother. Throw it in a cup of water in the dark and check it tomorrow. If you don't see anything, check it the next day...takes 3-5 days ( 2 in cup, 1-2 in...
  2. Sparkticus

    Need help/suggestions!!!!!

    I dont use a heating pad..any dark room/closet/cabinet from 70-80 should be fine. in the ziplock baggie it retains moisture and heat, like a greenhouse effect...but whatever you feel comfortable with =)
  3. Sparkticus

    Need help/suggestions!!!!!

    I drop the seeds in a cup of filtered water in the dark for 48 hours. Then put the beans in a wet paper towel, put the paper towel in a ziplock baggy, and in the dark for another 24 hrs. Once there is 1/2 inch or so of sprout, I put into soil. Seems to work every time unless the seed isn't...
  4. Sparkticus

    still having trouble please help

    Looks like nute burn. Have you tried reducing your nutrients? The leaf all the way to the right in pic 3 and 4 looks like a potassium (K) deficiency because of burned serrated edges. The curled leaves could be overwatering. I know that sounds silly if you're running hydro but, if the roots...
  5. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Thanks. Yeah she's refusing to stop growing, lol. I'm okay with that, though =) Even though I really, really want to harvest, I'll stay patient. Looks like 9-10 weeks will be the right time.
  6. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    Yeah, it was pretty much love at first sniff. I used Organic MG, with perlite and organic all-purpose ferts...5-3-3. They did have a little Cal and Mg too. I added them 2 weeks into a 4 week veg, so they would run out in week 6 of flower (they said they feed for 8 weeks and I wasn't sure if...
  7. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    Thank you. Ha, I almost got lost in the blizzard looking for #6. I don't know if it looks that good but, I'll take it! I've been trying to narrow down the strain. Very sweet, lemon smell. Good trichome production, I can't really say about yield cause I'm know I didn't maximize it. A Kush...
  8. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    From good nugs. Kush of some sorts. OG? Maybe Lemon?
  9. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    Yes it was.
  10. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    Thank you!
  11. Sparkticus

    Bagseed to Beautiful Lady

    Sup RIU!! First just want to say that without you guys, this never would have happened. I gained an invaluable amount of knowledge and for that, me...(and my girl!) thank you =) I always had an answer (or 45) for any problems and concerns I may have had.....Bagseed, organic soil mix...
  12. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Here's the girl at day 52 with a camera that actually does her a little justice =)
  13. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Wk 7! She's gettin close =)Bout 60/40 orange/white pistils. Some amber trichomes, mostly on bud leaves, few on buds. I'd say 80-90% cloudy, 5-10% clear, 5-10% amber. She's probably coming down on, or very close to, day 56. Mostly judging pace of maturation..partly cause I just want to...
  14. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    cool... lights good, genetics I cant help, and she is only in a 3 gallon...Besides the above mentioned...the only similar pheno's I've seen tend to pack on the weight later..some are even 10 week flowers. I was pretty much just looking for a successful grow so, I'm happy XD
  15. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    yeah, she was bout 14 inches when she started flower...she's almost 3 feet now. The low yield could just be my noobness in some capacity. What should my goal for yield be?
  16. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    and ur right, bout 50/50 on the leaves that fattened up. She looks like a lot of kush pic/vids I've seen...Very dank/lemon smell. So stinky.
  17. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Thank you! sweet...cause some of the trichs are milky now..I wouldnt say 50/50 yet..just patches of milky spots. I was planning on taking her till she had some amber/cloudy, or till her leaves yellow a bit...still really green. not to mention she still seems to be packin on weight, lol. I'll...
  18. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Week 6!
  19. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Week 4, done.
  20. Sparkticus

    Organic grow

    Week 3!