Search results

  1. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Using Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Sensi Grow/Bloom Grandmaster lineup @ 3/4 recommended, they get fed with 3-4 gallons of distilled water + nutes, for significant runoff, once a week. They're growing in 7-gallon oxy-pots in promix HP and so far, it generally takes a whole week until the...
  2. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    So I unpacked my larger tent and got that all set up to give me more vertical room to shift my lamp, I did this on 4/21. I moved my lamp up to about 30" from canopy, with a 1000W LED lamp, and the temps at canopy are 78-81, lots of good airflow. I had to push them to 12/12 on 4/22 due to...
  3. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Taken today at lights on, temp is currently 80.1 at canopy
  4. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Currently 83.4 at canopy. Ambient temperatures are still about 80 degrees, so it's a little warmer than usual right now, but temperatures are starting to drop so the temp in the ten will usually settle around 78-81. Her light schedule is 7PM-1PM, so she's sleeping during the warmest bit of the day.
  5. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Damn, really? I must be smokin too much, then, this shit has been buggin me out! :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I've just never seen new growth come in sooo yellow, it's just looked so unusual so it's been bothering me. I mean, I'm familiar with the mild yellowing of new growth, but this just...
  6. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    These pictures were taken today, just after lights on. I just fed her with 4gallons of water w/ half-strength nutes last night, 04/16. She was last fed/watered on 04/07, it took this long for the soil to dry out enough to merit another watering. She's looking more yellow today it seems, that...
  7. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Right now, they get 3 gallons per feeding, so they were last drenched April 7th in the evening (lights on), I just checked them with a moisture probe and they're still pretty moist in the middle and bottom of the pots. They get watered, roughly, a little less than once a week. Also, at this...
  8. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    I actually flushed her in the tub almost two weeks ago as I previously wasn't feeding with a whole lot of run off, so I became concerned about salt buildup. This is the first time I'm runnin 7gallon and promix, usually rock 5gallon pots in soil, so I guess I overestimated how much more water...
  9. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Any help would be greatly appreciated =( These pics were taken today
  10. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    I have three naturally-producing CO2 bags from Sierra Natural Sciences hanging above the plants, RH is aboit 45-58%. Unsure of actual CO2 levels, but they get lots of circulation, as well.
  11. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Still look normal? Maybe I'm just being overly paranoid:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  12. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Mmm, maybe the pics are doing it justice, I'll try to get some more, it looks unusually yellow to me and it seems like growth has slowed
  13. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Also growing a la around the pot LST, just fyi
  14. redeyejedi01

    Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

    Currently growing Laughing Buddha, sativa, in 7 gallon oxy pots in soilless promix HP. Using Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect full line up per their nutrient schedule, currently 4 weeks into veg feeding Sensi Grow A&B, B52 and all the bennies. She's been having an issue with new growth...
  15. redeyejedi01

    Zinc Deficiency??

    Ok, that's my fault. Just ran PH'd water amongst all the plants, but BB is the only one showing problems.
  16. redeyejedi01

    Zinc Deficiency??

    Also, if you're wondering, the white stuff all over is Diatomaceous Earth, sprayed them down a few days ago and I also keep them all covered in it evenly on the top soil.
  17. redeyejedi01

    Zinc Deficiency??

    One of my ladies, Berry Bomb, seems to be having some issues. She's about 1wk into flowering and about 5wks old. The soil PH is sitting pretty much at 7 and I'm about to flush with some clean, ph'd water but I just wanna get some other opinions and/or confirmation that this does indeed look like...
  18. redeyejedi01

    Bug damage?? PICS

    1) Pictures are attached, both with lights on and off and taken minutes ago. 2) Growing indoors with seven other plants. 6 autos and two photo periods. All feminized 3)Using full line of Earth Juice with hygrozyme and hi-brix, watering schedule right now is feed one week, water the other...