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  1. redeyejedi01

    Ice Bomb leaves yellowing/browning, help!

    Update in my garden: It does seem that the issue with Ice Bomb have abated, but now I've run into something new. In this current grow, I have my two photoperiod plants in 5 gal pots and six autos in 2 gal. Last night, I noticed a browning spot on one of the autos (Northern Lights X Big Bud), but...
  2. redeyejedi01

    Ice Bomb leaves yellowing/browning, help!

    Have only fed once with a very weak mix and watered once, as well. Really think it looks overfed? This is my first run with organic nutes, but i was under the impression that it was difficult to overfed with organics
  3. redeyejedi01

    grow room temps

    Just keep an eye on 'em
  4. redeyejedi01

    grow room temps

    If it was just a one-time occurance, I don't suspect there should be much issue. If it's constantly 34F during dark periods, I think that would significantly slow growth and, ultimately, yields. You risk the plants dying if it gets much colder, 34 is pretty damn low, tho. If you have to, get a...
  5. redeyejedi01

    Ice Bomb leaves yellowing/browning, help!

    As the title suggests, I'm having an issue with one plant, Ice Bomb. I'll just jump into it 1) Pictures are attached, both with lights on and off and taken minutes ago. 2) Growing indoors with seven other plants. 6 autos and two photo periods. All feminized 3)Using full line of Earth Juice with...
  6. redeyejedi01

    Liberty Haze Bug damage? Can anyone please help identify?? **PICS**

    Well, now I can uploaded, apparently....
  7. redeyejedi01

    Liberty Haze Bug damage? Can anyone please help identify?? **PICS**

    OK, so I got two plants in on 2x4x8 grow tent w/ 600w leds. Liberty Haze and Pineapple Chunk. Pineapple chunk had an issue with fungus gnats, but I remedied that with mosquito bits and haven't had a problem since. I dosed both plants with the mosquito bits at the same time, just to ensure...
  8. redeyejedi01

    Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint, fan leaves turning purple after final flush **PICS**

    Has anyone run GSC TM with similar occurrences or has anyone seen this before in GSC? Just want to confirm.
  9. redeyejedi01

    Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint, fan leaves turning purple after final flush **PICS**

    @kmog33 In the leaves or the buds? I don't think I've ever seen GSC with purp in the buds, though I've never seen the thin mint pheno before now. This is also my first time running any sort of GSC, so...I dunno I did just stumble across this picture, which is also showing some purple in the...
  10. redeyejedi01

    Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint, fan leaves turning purple after final flush **PICS**

    BTW, my final flush was 10 gallons of distilled water with 5mL of Florakleen per gallon
  11. redeyejedi01

    Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint, fan leaves turning purple after final flush **PICS**

    So I just did the final flush on two plants on Friday, 5/16/14, and my GSC is now showing signs of Phosphorous deficiency, particularly the leaves turning purple. I mean, I know the final flush got rid of the nutes in the soil, but I would also figure there would be some nutes stored in the...
  12. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Just moved the lights up from about 16 to 20"
  13. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Yea, I'll try moving the lights away and see if that helps. The only reason I have them so close is because they were all Stretch Armstrong during veg and I only have 8ft to work with in the tent, so I was hoping to reduce the big stretch during flower with closer lights and higher night temps...
  14. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Yea, she's been a finicky bitch since week 1, but perhaps it's been my own fault. Seems like the Epsom foliar is recommended thing to do, so I'll have to go get some of that and give it a try I'll also move the lights away a bit and see if that helps as well. Also, don't know if it's worth...
  15. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Spicy, It's soley the leaves at the top. I was thinking it mightve been light bleaching, but it doesn't look quite like it to me, from what I've looked at, but I'm by no means an expert. To me, from the leaf charts I've looked at, it resembles Mag deficiency, but I know mag def typically shows...
  16. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Please, is anyone able to help or diagnose?? Really would hate to lose this one!
  17. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    Fert - Growth Supp - SNS 604A (veg supp) SNS 604B (flower supp)
  18. redeyejedi01

    HELP! LSD Leaves yellowing, first week of flower **PICS**

    I have two eight week old plants that I just moved from a 200w LED veg tent to my 600w LED flower tent, one is Girl Scout Cookies and the other, the one having the problems, is LSD. They are now one week into flower and I believe the issue did start after moving to flower tent, but the GSC is...