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  1. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Alright will do
  2. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    I didnt think so. Ill have to invest in one of the testers
  3. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    where can i get that?!? I looked all over and tht was the best thing i could find. and like you said fucking waist of 11 bucks.
  4. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    I actually bought this ph meter but it works like shit. Idk if it doesnt work or what.but the only thing it ever adjusts is wetness. trust me Im well aware that its not the prettiest plant but I just want to be able to go through the whole grow. Have been learning more and more
  5. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    to give anyone else an idea of what I meant. that cup is about the size of a solo cup.
  6. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    No man no problem at all you guys are actually really helpful. I love learning Any new knowledge about what I'm doing. I am gonna get some new pots prolly switch her to a gallon pot. I'm doing my whole grow I a closet so I don't exactly want a big bud tree growing lol that's why I was wondering...
  7. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Alright I will have to try that next time. I started in a tiny little container for first 2 weeks then moved up to a bigger one but still really small. then cup then what its in now. I wish I would have know that the small one would need so much soil. I wanna still grow her out just learning as...
  8. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    I watered her the day before so I just mixed in a little glass of water and added that. used like half tbl spoon.
  9. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    lmfao!!!! omg your post read my fucking mind when I opened the closet lmfao. I gagged when I oppened it. lucally its just the closet. Deff good to know about the nutes. I am anxious to see her healthy again.
  10. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Thank you! I ended up getting some alaksa fish fert. added it the other day. Im a little confused because the places that were looking bad before dont look any better but my new growth looks fine. is this normal?
  11. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    I would love some help but how many times do I have to say its much larger than a cup to mean its not a solo cup?
  12. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    oh ok jw cuz the shit i bought was kinda chalky
  13. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    That sounds dope I really would like that when I have more seeds at disposal. Im assuming ur rusing bigger rocks for a better drainage? also the perlite doesnt bother the worms?
  14. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    are u still stuck on the pot dude? I didnt tune in to get peoples advice on the container its growing in. it is large enough for now. I still have a gallon pot to up to I dont even have 4 full leaves growing out.
  15. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    dude Im so trying this next grow. If I would have saw this before I added nutes I would have tried it out haha
  16. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Man where were you like an hr ago before I went to the store lol. Thats exactly what I needed to know. I knew that the ratio was on the bags but they didnt have a 2-1-3 so I didnt know what to get. They had pleanty of different ones but I looked up the organic alaska shit and one of the first...
  17. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Hey guys just picked up some Alaska fish fertilizer 5-1-1 ratio any advice of how much??
  18. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    all good thanks for the help anyway.
  19. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Lol that would have been the first class I took!! Oh alright. do u have a brand of nutes that u would suggest?
  20. Legen

    Problem caught early. Any solutions?

    Alright sweet. Do you know any nutes that would be sold locally with good levels of NPK? idk how the ratio thing works ...../: lol