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  1. jpsqad

    Burns Burns Burns Noob Help!!!!

    i didn't think i need to transplant them so early, their only about a 1 week an a half old
  2. jpsqad

    Burns Burns Burns Noob Help!!!!

    i thought i am suppose to treat them as a hydro grow since im using coco coir
  3. jpsqad

    Burns Burns Burns Noob Help!!!!

    every two week? does that mean i should not follow the flora series feeding schedule , and if im not feeding when dey dry out i should give them ph'd ro water?
  4. jpsqad

    Burns Burns Burns Noob Help!!!!

    1000w equilvalent cfl bulbs(240w true) a little under 1 foot above plants temp vary from 75-88 24hrs light ph'd to 5.7 pure cocogro 5 plants( 2 are showing the worst signs) flora series gro/micro/bloom .25ml/.5ml/.25ml every 2-4 days depending on dryness, only fed 3 times so far
  5. jpsqad

    Noob Grow Advice

    when i gave them the nutes they it tested 5.7
  6. jpsqad

    Noob Grow Advice

    im using only cocogro. its 5 of them. i havent gave them any nutes until today. i made a gallon of ph'd ro water which had nutes from the GH Flora series, recommended amount was 1ml florogro, 2ml floramicro, and 1ml florabloom. i downsized to about 25% which made it .25/.5/.25 ml(that i actually...
  7. jpsqad

    Noob Grow Advice

    im using only cocogro. its 5 of them. i havent gave them any nutes until today. i made a gallon of ph'd ro water which had nutes from the GH Flora series, recommended amount was 1ml florogro, 2ml floramicro, and 1ml florabloom. i downsized to about 25% which made it .25/.5/.25 ml(that i actually...
  8. jpsqad

    Noob Grow Advice

    these are 6 days old but i started signs of stress, im trying to find out why, plz help
  9. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    So it's best to amp up the lighting supply? I was originally aiming for 2000w equivalent which is about 480 true watts, do you think that would be suitable cuz I can definitely add on to da supply
  10. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    So when is time to transplant should I leave in straight coco or it would be best to add some perlite or vermiculite
  11. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    I would say its about 240w true watts being used
  12. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    Anybody? I need help?
  13. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    I do have pics if needed
  14. jpsqad

    First ever coco grow

    Hey everybody , I am a beginner that's started my very own coco grow. I have 5 seedlings(about 4 days old) in styrofoam cups, which is filled with straight coco. I do have some perlite and vermiculite if they are needed. I have been giving them only ph'ed ro water only because I do not know when...
  15. jpsqad

    Dwc Grow having whitish curling leaves

    i have two both in dwc system, one is showing the problem more than the other. all in thier second week of veg nutes - flora series grow -15mil micro - 12mil bloom - 3mil 3gal of ro water ph'ed to 6.0 plz help