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  1. wheels619

    Will America fall eventually?

    so is god the reason im in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and cant feel my dick? if so he is a fucking asshole and can go fuck himself. like i said some believe others do not so out of respect for those that dont take it somewhere else please. becuz i honestly dont want to hear about god...
  2. wheels619

    Will America fall eventually?

    it happens from time to time. lol. had a thread that had one reply once. gave up on it after about a week or two and deleted it from my folder. came back a week later and found it. damn thing had 14 pages. lol.
  3. wheels619

    Will America fall eventually?

    hey hey hey keep that god crap oiutta here. some believe in it while others dont. besides god doesnt beliong in this thread. only devilish politics and what not. lol.
  4. wheels619

    to wheels or not to wheels.

    ive got a cheese and a psychokiller going. :) tap roots about to toss em into rooters.
  5. wheels619

    SCRoG Revisited

    so shits drying. chopped it all. blue dream wasnt done but oh well. hows things on your end?
  6. wheels619

    Veg plants flowering...why?

    that the norm. one or two pistils per node is normal for preflowers. especially on plants vegging about a month or mor in size. clones normally have them right away unless they are really small when you take them.
  7. wheels619

    Veg plants flowering...why?

    are they from seed? if so i bet u have a few autoflowers going.
  8. wheels619

    Unusual problem......

    also that was me being high and telling a story not giving advice. lmao. sorry for the confusion. lol.
  9. wheels619

    Unusual problem......

    in all honesty that shit looks like what happened to mine with one single caterpillar. made me think my nutes were off cuz i couldnt find his ass forever was only happening to the new growth. he kept going from plant to plant. so all the plant i had in my 4x6 eventually looked like this. :( by...
  10. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    well i cant say i wouldnt suck on my own balls if i could. lmao. how bout you? bahahahah
  11. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    i understand this but at 15 ft you wouldnt need shit for choke except a 12 inch barrel. lmao.
  12. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    part 2
  13. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    mmm. you might be wrong. might not of been buckshot but i could still return fire if need be hopefully for a few seconds with my subcompact.
  14. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    doesnt matter. you pull the trigger in a dark room you arent really going to be able to see much after anyways except spotty vision. besides spare mags or not an ak or ar wont care if your behind cover...
  15. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    fuck buckshot period full choke or not at 15 ft.
  16. wheels619

    SCRoG Revisited

    berkman sucks balls... lol. :)
  17. wheels619

    Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

    so i saw this video and was wondering if all the things mentioned in this video are really true and cause for concern in my country? all the increase in crime and home invasions after the ban? i as an american am very concerned about my second amendment right to bear arms. im in fear that if gun...
  18. wheels619

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    still working on it. have to work on it in my spare time since ive still got work and my girls to take care of. :)
  19. wheels619

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    its all strain dependent. if you have a sativa that will tripple in size id fill the svreen about 60%-70% then flower them. tucking once a week in and possibly another a week later if they stretch a lot. indicas i let flower from the get go. maybe one tuck 4 days in or so and thats it. also with...
  20. wheels619

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    shits looking good dude. including the pic of you smoking the bowl in front of the girls. lol.