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  1. R

    Go Celtics

    i remember the pats the giants had the d the pats had the o brady broke almost every offensive record with moss the giants had 1 of the top ds in the league, pierce got a shot of cortisone and a brace they dont give shots 4 nothin, and i ment i second happyherbologist
  2. R

    Go Celtics

    i second that
  3. R

    Go Celtics

    rondos got step up on everybody cuz hes blunted he sees the hole picture, and i feel the same way about the lakers fuck them, kobe is the best player n the nba now but defence wins championships and the celtics got the d, game 2 sunday enjoy i know i will
  4. R

    Go Celtics

    shine your shoes no more like break your jaw, no good i am, low life sometimes, a runt im not, you talk shit on the internet wow your tuff, god i wish i could meet you in person, this is what you do go 2 the closest city 2 you and call people jackass's low lifes and chumps in person and i...
  5. R

    Go Celtics

    god that was a great game 4 blunts of grape ape a couple coronas and A CELTIC WIN, what a game!! and blonddie ill post anywhere i want you internet tuff guy run your mouth on the streets and c how far you get PUNK
  6. R

    Go Celtics

  7. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    THERE BACK!!!!!! thanks all they wernt getting enough nutes i hand feed 3 times 2day and ran my pumps an extra 5 minutes each feeding i just checked on them and there all reaching 4 the lights, thank god, thanks again all i was stuck without everybodys help, thcking i aint no newb ive been grown...
  8. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    alright i made a mistake i thought i had real granddaddy but i have a hybrid its called kens granddaddy opps sorry, i just called my friend who i got them from he said its a cross granddaddys just the name he also said keep it under lock and key, sorry for arguing with every1 i was wrong
  9. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    thank you everybody for your help and info, dont get me wrong like i said earlier i do buy clones from the club if i know the grower i wont buy them anymore unless i know the person there comin from not everybody does good business like fdd, i posted on rollitup about 2 months ago about some...
  10. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    you say over they say under i dont know whats wrong and its not 3 its my hole table of gdp my other tables are just fine
  11. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    trust me i know that the club gets there clones and smoke from growers thats why i wont buy unless i know who that grower is, you keep belivein there aint no difference, and the 3 i got wernt no club clones, do you really think that the people sellin the club pounds of a1 tree are going 2 sell...
  12. R

    Clones are drooping after 3 days in Aero setup.

    i dont know about aero growing i grow hydro but 700 ppm sounds way 2 high im not around 700 untill my 3 week
  13. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    i just hand feed them and checked my pumps my tables are fillin completly, i hope its just under feeding ill run my pumps an extra 5 minutes 2 see if that helps, i use a mix of different nutes mainly general hydro my ph is 5.8, i dont like club clones unless i know who there commin from, i think...
  14. R

    hey guys, help with a drug test?

    drink as much water as you can a few hours before the test, try 2 piss about 3 or 4 times before your test and when you do test your piss should be crystal clear and you should be fine if you havent smokes in that long
  15. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    they havent hit the bottom, there just babys, there in 6x6 rw cubes been there 4 about 2 and a half
  16. R

    NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics

    hi all i just checked on my girls and they dont look happy, there a lil droopy and there not as green as there sosposed 2 be (there a lime color) when the lights are on there usually all reaching at the lights, there about 12 inches max,any info will help, this is real deal granddaddy purp not...
  17. R

    how to get medical marijuana

    i dont know about new england but in ca you call medi cann 2 make a app, when you go bring your medical records and your good, there cuttin down on the bullshit drs and cards, my first card was repoed at a sac club they said the dr i used was bootleg and i had 2 go 2 a real mm dr, ive seen them...
  18. R

    herijuana seeds

    allrighty im a offical member of weedtracker i cant wait 2 post my question in 7 days, thanks
  19. R

    reverse osmosis question???

    im looking 2 spend no more than 500, could you point me in the right direction, i seen 1 on ebay fpr 390 it says 700 gpd but you must have a 40-50 psi sink and it does not filter as good as the 100 gpd filters, im looking for the best filter job 4 my money, thanks again
  20. R

    herijuana seeds

    i am a medical user in ca and i just called around nobody has it