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  1. keico

    Have a question about disital timers

    Hey quick question I just got an email from the manufacturer of the the ballast I just purchased. They said not to use a digital timer with the ballast, as it can leak into the ballast and cause the ballast to fail. They suggest using the mechanical one. Has anyone ever heard this before
  2. keico

    Question on potassium fertiler

    I know this question has been asked before, but i just am curious 1. Is molasses a good organic source of potassium 2. If not then what's a good organic source for potassium 3 Finally if you check my post Do you think the...
  3. keico

    Need opinion on this organic mix

    Ok this recipe was from this website I read the whole thing and was very impressed at how all you need do is just add water from start to finish. My only concerns were that the recipe called for 30 gallons. More than I would be using on my next...
  4. keico

    2nd grow 400 watt Mh HPs

    Ok today is the end of the 7th week. Definitely had some PH preoblems, but have gotten past that, and they are doing better. Tell me what ya think
  5. keico

    Need some advice

    I agree with you 100% Thats why I have been flushing them. They are doing much better
  6. keico

    Need some advice

    Yes I definitely agree that no more nutes. Its kinda easy to forget that MG has those damn time release nutes in there. But They have definitely shown an improvement since the last two flushes. A lot of the hairs are brown, but when i use the joulers loop I still see all white, so yea I know...
  7. keico

    Need some advice

    Ok I need some advice. Ok I am using a wardrobe closet. 400 watt HID with cooltube Soil grow (Miracle Grow Soil + MG Bloom nutrients) Bagseed Ok here is my question. I have three ladies (Bagseed) just ending their 7th week flowering. I noticed the leaves curling downward and resembling...
  8. keico

    HID Lighting

    Ok maybe I am missing your question here. Specifically what do you need info on. What is the same as MH/HPS
  9. keico

    PLZ help a noob woma with lights

    For your setup yes 150 HPS is enough for your grow area. Yes I would keep the cfls because you are gonna need that blue spectrum for vegetative state. You can grow the entire cycle with just HPS but I am no expert on this
  10. keico

    HID Lighting

    Are you serious ? Of course there is a major difference. Your issue of course will be heat. You will need a way to deal with that
  11. keico

    my 1st grow

    Ok they don't look that bad. Leaves curling downward is a sign of a ph problem. Your ph might be off which is causing nute lock out, which hurts the plants ability to absorb nutrients. If you do not have a PH tester get one. Don't forget a PH buffer solution to calibrate the meter. Now PH...
  12. keico

    2nd grow 400 watt Mh HPs

    Ok they are starting week 7 of flowering
  13. keico

    Struggling to correct problems, flowering. Please help.

    Yea I know what ya mean, sometimes it can feel like work, but for time invested is well worth the end result
  14. keico


    Me personally I leave plain water to sit so that the chlorine can evaporate. When I am ready to water then I do the ph thing
  15. keico

    My Baby Girl Is Growing Up. Check out Da pics!!!!

    Couldn't really tell you about yield. That is a question that everyone asks. Just keep her growing, and on your next grow expand to more plants and your yield will be good
  16. keico

    Lumatek Digital Ballast + a reflector for MH & HPS setup

    The reflector doesn't determine which bulb you use. What you want is a reflector that disperses the light throughout your area. But this is all determined by how much grow area you have. And make sure to use a good reflector and walls and floor. If you will be growing in an enclosed space then...
  17. keico

    My Baby Girl Is Growing Up. Check out Da pics!!!!

    They look great. Keep doing what you are doing and you will have some good bud soon
  18. keico

    Leaves drooping bad

    looks like overwatering. If that bucket didn't have dranage holes, then making some was a good idea. I would wait until the soil dries, then when you water. Water until some runs out then stop. Wait for the dripping to stop them put back under the lights
  19. keico

    Struggling to correct problems, flowering. Please help.

    Ok it isn't that bad because a majority of your plants leaves are still health looking. I would stop giving them nutes for now, and flush with Ph water of 6.3 to 6.8. Keep flushing until the runoff reads the same ph. Flushing will stabilize the PH soil. Once you have accomplished this, do not...
  20. keico

    Difference between vegging & flowerin ?

    Vegging is a period in which the plants concentrates on growing (becoming mature). In nature this is determined by the amount of light the plants receive. Spring and Summer the plants receive more sunlight. That is why it is said during veg cycle you give the plants more lights 18 hours light 6...