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  1. keico


    No you shouldn't leave nutes in water for a long period of time.
  2. keico

    NEED HELP Sexing!!!!!!

    I would say that number 1 is a female. Also 2 and 3 4 is a male
  3. keico

    fafard soil

    I decide to take a trip to my local nursery and noticed they carry a soil made by Fafard Was wondering f anyone has used this soil, and what results they had with it
  4. keico

    Great price on 400 watt switchable ballast

    Doesn't anyone want to comment I just bought one as a backup I think it is a great price, compared to others
  5. keico

    Great price on 400 watt switchable ballast

    Ok just wanna share with everyone a great price on a 400 watt switchable ballast...
  6. keico

    Which lime product is better

    anyone have any thoughts
  7. keico

    Which lime product is better

    Ok which lime product do you think is better This one is from lowes This one is from Home Depot
  8. keico

    how many watts of HID?

    This chart should help
  9. keico

    Pics, whats wrong?

    looks like nute burn to me what nutes are you giving, and how much
  10. keico

    my 1st grow

    Not sure if vinegar and baking soda produce CO2, but I know that sugar water and yeast do. There is a thread here about DIY CO2 I wouldn't add epson salt either, I don't think it is necessary, and really have no experience...
  11. keico

    my 1st grow

    Not sure if vinegar and baking soda produce CO2, but I know that sugar water and yeast do. There is a thread here about DIY CO2 I wouldn't add epson salt either, I don't think it is necessary, and really have no experience...
  12. keico

    my 1st grow

    You know I just purchased a ph tester myself. And wa surprised it had to be calibrated. You need to get a Ph buffer solution to calibrate. The cheapest one I found was here Hope it helps, and glad to hear that your plants are...
  13. keico

    need your opinion

    Hey I feel for you. It would just be nice for the government to not be able yo use that as an excuse for why they won't legalize it.
  14. keico

    need your opinion

    I understand that, but do you think that when MJ is grown to be sold to others, that it hurts the movement to have it legalized ??
  15. keico

    need your opinion

    Ok I need everyone's opinion. This has been on my mind for quite some time. Now I made the decision to grow, based on the fact that I was tired of spending so much money, and getting the same old street weed. Plus the fact of taking the chance of getting caught helped me come to the...
  16. keico

    How many 3 gal bags can I use

    Ok here is the dimensions on my grow cabinet length - 22" Width - 33" Height - 60" I want to buy these grow bags How many of these bags do you think I can fit in here
  17. keico

    fox farm light warrior then ff ocean forest.big bud".what nute is bestfor veg?flower?

    Check the pic. This is what is suggested to use with their soil
  18. keico


    You know a lot of people talk bad about the way walmart treats their employees. Paying them cheap wages, no benefits, and yes your right. However think about this. What about the consumer. Doesn't walmart have a responsibility to its consumer. To provide the cheapest prices. I mean that is the...
  19. keico

    which site to use

    Well I was lucky enough to grab them when they were being sold for $20.00 on ebay. Shipping was $20.00 so my total cost for both MH & HPS were $ 80.00 Sellers on ebay caught on quick and started jacking up the prices. Hopefully you both more than one, in case one fails. I have heard a lot...
  20. keico

    Initial growth - rep your way for help! :)

    Best way to increase the temps of soil, would possibly to use high wattage CFL. Yes CFL do generate heat. I was using the 26 watt CFL daylights. But just be careful. With enough of them the temps can climb above what you are comfortable with.