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  1. keico

    Initial growth - rep your way for help! :)

    Give them time, and definitely don't over water them. I would let the soil dry a little before watering. I know the temptation is hard to resist to dig in there and see what is going on. But do not do this. Too much water can kill them and soil temperature can slow the progress.
  2. keico

    Growing great bud from Midgrade Seeds

    well this all depends on your setup. what lights you are using and the ferts. It also depends on the strain you are growing. Indicas will be ready for harvest faster than sativa. Normally for a indica you are looking at 8 weeks minimum and for a sativa could be minimum 10 weeks. However the...
  3. keico

    Autoflowering Dwarf Plants

    I would say that the benefits of swarf autoflowering are self explanatory. You save space and don't have to wait as long for some bud. Normal seeds can be trained not to grow tall through LST but they will only flower when they are ready to. A normal seeds has to mature before it will...
  4. keico


    9-9-6 I would use for vegging only. The numbers look good as it will not overwhelm plants with too much fertilizer.
  5. keico

    which site to use

    I say Ebay, and HTGsupply does sell on Ebay, also. However if you want to save money on lights then get a High bay fixture or Low bay fixture. They can easily be setup for a horizontal fixture. I have done this with no problems. I even got my cooltube for $59.99 free shipping six inch tube 19...
  6. keico

    93 degrees

    I agree 100% and have thought about this for quite some time. Plants grown outside like Mexico California, and other hot climate do well. My temps average around 90 and my plants are doing very well. I will say this, make sure they are watered properly and that they get god ventilation. You...
  7. keico

    Crooked Plant Problem

    That looks more like the plant is bending towards lights that shock from transplanting.
  8. keico

    The grow cabinet

    Just my two cents. I would suggest you start with soil, and not a hydro system, since this will be your first grow. You would be better with a HID system, just make sure you get a cool tube to keep temps under control. And don't forget good ventilation. The lure of hydro can be hard to...
  9. keico

    Sexing? Pics

    No its seems to early for that. you can look at the bottom of the pot. If you see roots coming out then, possible you could. I would wait till the plant is absorbing a lot more water at a faster rate. possible if say you have to water every two days then it would be time to transplant
  10. keico

    my 1st grow

    From looking at the pictures, it looks lije your plants are starving for water. The yellowing is a sign of nitrogen defiency but it is normal to have some leaves yellowing during the flowering period. They will eventually fall off. As long as most of the plants leaves are green then you are...
  11. keico

    Sexing? Pics

    Water them when they need to be water. Just lift the pot if it feels very light you will know they need to be water. Also you want to make sure they get fresh air and watch your temps. Get a thermometer. Lastly I know you are only growing one plant, but its always best to start with more, just...
  12. keico

    Sexing? Pics

    It is way too early to tell. I am sorry to here that you haven't had a successful plant yet. Tell me about your setup and I would be glad to help you Soil ferts lights Where they are setup to grow. Tell me as much as you can, and we should be able to figure it out
  13. keico

    Where do you post progress

    Ok here is an update on the progress of my three ladies. Can they get some love
  14. keico

    root rot pls help!!!!

    Before u get angry because of no replies, you could use the search feature here However try reading these post
  15. keico

    Help me pleasee..light problems

    Did you transplant this plant from outside to a pot you then brought inside. If this is the case The plant probably is in shock, but should recover
  16. keico

    Literally wardrobe growing

    Well There is so much need to do. First thing i would do is at wrap some tape around the cups (Black) Don't wait to see the roots. I know being on a budget makes it hard, because of the excitement "of wanting to get growing" My advice is if you are on a budget save your money and buy all the...
  17. keico

    flowering by window sill?

    Yes direct sunlight is always good fro your plants. I did the same thing for mine and the growth was amazing
  18. keico

    Question for the light Pros

    The light you are currently using I had to do some research on. I had never heard of the terms Photopic and Stotopic. Photopic is how much light your eyes detect during daylight. Stotopic is how much light your eyes detect during night. That is why the lumens is higher for Stotopic. However...
  19. keico

    pics included, need help with flowering plant

    Since you are in the seventh week of flowering rather than give it a dose of epson salt, use Molasses instead. Believe me you will be glad you did. Molasses has all the nutrients the plants need especially in the flowering stage. I say use 2 teaspoons per gallon once a week. It also has the...
  20. keico

    Need some instructions

    I really appreciate the advice and will definitely order the ferts online. The dirt I will just drive and get because the shipping and handling is outrageous