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  1. P

    how long dose it take to see bud from 12/12 seed

    how long will it take if you go 12/12 light from seed for you to see bud or balls?
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    What Do You Tell Women When They Ask?

    idk and u could be right but im pretty sure if u say my ex is growing pot they might also say oh sure because they think ur getting back but best way to go is just hide it until ur sure
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    Can I do this?

    or go get miracle grow organic, its not really organic but it wont have any time releasing nutes in it so it will be safe.
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    What Do You Tell Women When They Ask?

    pretty sure no one said come right out and say ur growing marijuana....i like the idea of just seeing if she will smoke with u or if she smokes and then find out how she feels about it
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    how do u make dmt?
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    So Here's The Plan

    sweet what is that package costing u?
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    Female or Herm?

    what is that lol
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    Harvesting Male Plants?

    lol so if i have a hermi i should just let it go and i can still smoke it and it just wont be as good as a regular female?
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    Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?

    i used mg too works fine ive never used fox farms or nothing fancy but it gets the job done for me.
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    Female or Herm?

    ill get some tommarow
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    Is My Plant Healthy ?

    looks great i would make sure to get azamaxx its really good for keeping bugs off if you think u might have a problem with bugs
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    Female or Herm?

    My plant has been flowering for 2 weeks or so and it has show definite flowers or female with the white hairs but it also has like 4 little balls or circles that are growing right on the stem dose this mean its a hermi or could it still be a female and its too early??????
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    Kinda nervous to start flowering

    when u start to flower go out and buy soft white lights because that is what is used for flower and daylight bulbs for veg also go to a garden store and buy a tomato plant cage.
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    Is this all I need?

    looks like it has everything
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    How long do it usually take...

    hahaha i asked the same thing earlier and the same guy answered it feels like every day waiting for the male or female indicator is a year lol
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    Help with Flowering

    I have had my plant flowering for 2 weeks now but it just keeps sprouting new leaves and getting bigger which is fine but im just wondering if this is normal and i have no signs of male or female pre flowers or anything i will try to get a pic later but the plant looks nice and healthy but just...
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    germinating seeds question

    u dont need it just put them in the wet paper towel and ur good
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    Outside grow in NJ

    if your doing it get them germinated and planted in a solo cup now and then in a week or 2 get them out there u gotta hurry dude
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    Miracle Grow and seedlings.

    when you have seeds or young plants dont give them any nutes just water and let them get bigger then u start feeding them nutes
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    can you tell if these pre flowers are male or female? pic inside!

    i have the same problem im so eager to find out if mine if girl or boy but just cant tell yet lol