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    And We FINALLY Have Some Football!!!

    patriots are winning the super bowl this year and cant wait to see it happen :)
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    the best way to get rid of rust spots on leaves is??????
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    HowS it look (picture)

    thanks for the info
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    Help please, no potency whatsoever!

    how are u curing it?
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    100 watts of cfl what do you think?? Picture

    any advise is good
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    HowS it look (picture)

    anyone else
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    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    All i can say is WOW
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    HowS it look (picture)

    yea ending week 3 i think its a little behind because of my lights not being the best
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    HowS it look (picture)

    Just wanted to get some imput
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    Help with flowering

    I am at week 5 and still see no brown or orange hairs when will i start to see them?
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    starting from long till "the switch"

    yea really whatever is in ur space range because when u flip they can double in size so just try to judge it by what kind of space you have i have done veg for a few weeks then flower which went fine or 12/12 from the seed which also went well
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    Plants have left the building

    i did it with my plant with good results you just take the stem between ur index and thumb and just bend it to the side and the stem will like crease but just be carefull not to breake the stem anyway its really easy
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    Whoa, I got weird mini-grasshoppers in my closet

    i dont think its good to have bugs i would clean ur grow room then maybe spray ur plant withsomething to protect it.
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    46th day of flower

    yea i want to get a 250 watt hps but just dont have the space right now
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    46th day of flower

    my plant looks kinda small i will try to get some pictures up tommarow but for 46 days under cfls the bud is really small will it pick up more in the last few weeks and total wattage is 100 actual wats
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    How does she look for 4wks flowering

    mine is at the same point aswell but i think i have nute burn but im using mg and dont know how to fix it hopefully she dose ok
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    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    it taste bad but i did 100x started laughing like crazy and just felt great
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    Please help! Flowering Stage problems!

    fuck mine is doing the same thing but not nearly as bad
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    what happens when you smoke some strong salvia extract lol

    salvia is amazing i did the 100x and it was great i want to try shrooms but cant find them anywhere
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    Mixing CFL's And T5's

    it works well