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  1. P

    My first Grow Pics.... Almost done!!!

    nice especially for a first grow
  2. P

    Almost a total loss this year.

    fuck that hurricane and the week of rain stupid freaking weather
  3. P

    My first Grow check the progress!! its RAD!!

    looks like a boy to me
  4. P

    first time trying to grow outside?????

    planting them in like the middle of the woods where they get the light they need and going out into the woods to take care of them that way if found they cant pin it on u because its not on ur property RIght?
  5. P

    WHite spots on 2 leafs

    thats what it looks like lol but idk
  6. P

    Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

    get one or a few of those things that u put water in and it waters itself? idk and here is a pic of my baby
  7. P

    This has to be fate!

    what up with the plant how goes it??
  8. P

    Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

    hey im in N.E to growing and i got one female left the other 4 turned out to be male and this is my first time so im just excited that i was able to get them growing next season will be much better but im just wondering when you guys in this area plan to harvest ? I no there are many variables...
  9. P

    WHite spots on 2 leafs

    I have a plant outside doing well but on two of the leaves i found white spots kinda big i couldent take a picture but the white spots r about as big as a dime and when i pour water on to the leaves it washes off any ideas on what it is?
  10. P

    Need help with my first grow! 500$ budget!

    GO WITH HPS im telling u and htg supply is great
  11. P

    Can i save her????? (pics)

    im tossing him becasue it got even worse today the leaves got droopy and some fell off and every single leaf even the newest ones went brown what do u think the main cause was because i grew two others in the same condition and didnt have this problem....
  12. P

    Big Bud strain - Boy, Girl, or both

    we need closer pics to tell salmon if its boy or girl
  13. P

    Can i save her????? (pics)

    thank u guys i appriciate it and it is 12/12 from seed so i figured i would ent need a bigger pot and its mg potting soil which may be the cause the watering is every few days just when i see its all dried up on the top of the soil and the cup that it drains into,no nutes besides whats in the mg...
  14. P

    Can i save her????? (pics)

    help what is causing this????
  15. P

    Can i save her????? (pics)

    what do i buy to save her???
  16. P

    Help Plant in trouble

    The plant is 12/12 from seed doing really great but in the past 3 days it has been going down hill.It started with the lower leaves having brown spots on them not like light burn but brown spots now as new leaves grow they are turning brown and shriveling using cfls and mg potting soil(i...
  17. P

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    These are my buddy's the first one is a pure bread golden and the second golden is his son and the little guy is a shit zue he sure can bark.
  18. P

    Can i harvest these right now????

    u gota move those babys dont let em die so early :(
  19. P

    Is it weird for the first hairs showing female to be long as hell?

    My plant is 12/12 from seed and its showed that its female and the hairs that have come out are really long is this weird my other plants hairs were never this long or thin?
  20. P

    HowS it look (picture)

    this is my first ever grow so id say its going well