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  1. mamaape

    A few questions

    ok..she overall looks nice & green her nodes look close, but here's the deal for her to produce proper vegetation she needs a minimum 16 hours if the lack of light doesn't hermi her she will begin to flower in about the second week of march but of course that'd be here in the north...
  2. mamaape

    What kind of bug ? (Help please)

    im not a gambling gal but im willing to bet without a photo even that you have just discovered the world of thrips annoying critters, the black dots is them shiting on your ladies and the shimmering whiteish residue is a result of them eating chlorophyll. they are raspers( scraping mouth along...
  3. mamaape

    Mixing soil and perilite

    that's funny as he'll i was just talking about a tumbler..anyhow no easy way (i have done this inside many times) huge trap..dump the perlite first spread then the soil it will mix easier in that order soil is heavier so when raked oh ya you need a rake! rake well pull trap towards you from each...
  4. mamaape

    chopped with pic

    looks beautiful! but no way to tell other than putting her under a 100x scope..if she is a little early she will ripen a bit when curing..good color tho!
  5. mamaape

    Flower nutrient question

    i agree if its not broken don't fix it stay healthy we have to keep being healthy..molasses is wonderful! its a catalyst ( helps carry your nutrients) also black strap molasses has the highest minerals. any how id go with half strength every other watering the idea is your constantly...
  6. mamaape

    leaf burn?

    rule of thumb if you can hold your hand between the light and the little lady with no discomfort then you have just ruled out light burn also t5 are meant to get close safely and is it on the top of the plant our lower if lower then its really ruled its time to do a few things check for...
  7. mamaape

    its a male right

    for sure i agree the males "most of the time" show themselves..they don't bust one ha ha until you flip and the females are receptive "during flowing" boys being boys and you yank them around ready or not they will bust open and leave behind the pollen on hands clothing fans you get the...
  8. mamaape

    i have newbie questions thanks for help

    okie dokie budget in mind... 5.5 & 6.5 are pretty much the optimum ph. do your best to keep it above 5.00 & below 7.00 so to stick to that budget ph down= apple cider vinegar(also has nice trace minerals) ph up= baking soda or lemon juice(not from concentrate) some people have a problem with...
  9. mamaape

    hortilux blue vs hps

    i use blue with great results it is a half and half bulb meaning its good for vegetation and flowering its really up to you at this point to you want them just to stretch or stretch and have a thick canopy..i before using these bulbs always put my MH back up in the last two weeks it...
  10. mamaape

    please help... is my plant auto-flowering

    ya for sure this is the case in my whole mother room in some cases they actually try to close up and form the two year plus grandmas any how ha that's what i call them..they behave if i don't give them much P or K, i also feel that imo 24/7 can hinder growth rates of healthy ladies but help...
  11. mamaape

    its a male right

    imo that'd be a male my friend many beans did you plant? if it was lot and they are all male...every thing i have learned is from old schoolers..keeping them above80* when sprouting increases odd of well for me anyhow..
  12. mamaape

    need help plant not lookin good i think

    well not enough light aside for the moment, that lil lady (fingers crossed) can be in that pot for three to four weeks unless she decides to just take off like crazy, at this point she needs to be kept damp but not water logged i would water ever three days with a table spoon or two right at her...
  13. mamaape

    First time growing! Need constructive criticism

    well as with all plants they focus on roots at night healthy roots=healthy growth=higher yield 18on 6off and hey check out the tea section and make your own nutes man its cheaper and hands on..oh and add some mylar to your box or paint it white fluorescent will allow more lights and less heat...
  14. mamaape

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    wow this is still raging ha look lady ya normal "gardening" in the yard is done by us gals but...look at all of the factors of the type of growing going on here..lots of people paying bills..its not a game by any means and men tend to dominate this business females not so much..many females say...
  15. mamaape

    Buds going to fill out? Pics

    once again how long they have been flowering..chopping a lady that much can be seriously detrimental stop any real growth at that especially if it was done in flower. also ya they go a long time outside because the sun is slowly flipping them inside that is not the case. sixteen weeks is beyond...
  16. mamaape

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    really girlie? im a female who realizes i am rolling tough in a male dominated role! so i get why you could be bugged by it if and this is a big IF you had made your self stand out amongst the big boys and the mistake was still going on! and you no what not only do i love low brow gross ass...
  17. mamaape

    Buds going to fill out? Pics

    did i read that correctly? you have been in flower for four months really.. hmm well that aside it could be any number of things that would cause this, not enough light,improper ph, lack of proper nutrients.. i like to hit my ladies with black strap molasses third week into flower helps her...
  18. mamaape

    Gotta question

    i have to agree with the light factor...hop on down to wally world or something like that and grab a cheap shop light get a plant tube and a aquarium tube and keep it close it will get her going until you get set up and then you can use it on a later date if you take cuts... as far as being...
  19. mamaape

    foil as a reflector?

    i have had to use foil before i as a personal preference wouldn't use it now but if you cannot get your hands on anything else i would absolutely wrinkle it up good and keep an eye on your ladys for hot spots.. from time to time i have seen mylar in the wal mart gift wrapping section or even in...
  20. mamaape

    rabbit poop for fertilizer

    well actually if you do a little bit of reading rabbit poop is not a strong smelling manure and has quite a bit more N than most sea bird guano. i know the powders themselves don't have much of a smell ha ha until you put it in a stock tank and let it brew! But i suppose that's not the case...