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  1. J

    My Grow Journal

    Approx 2 weeks into flowering.
  2. J

    600W HPS Light 120v Lumatek Ballast, problems!?

    Anyone else experience their light not turning back on after you turn it off? Its happened to mine a few times, I usually have to leave it off for a good 20 minutes or so before it will go back on, is this a problem or is it just because its hot?
  3. J

    Yellow Spots on my clones!

    Not Home Depot, Hydro Depot, its actually a well known hydro store in the area. They focus on cannibis.
  4. J


    So I was just checking my plants because I am noticing yellow spots but I think its from over fertalizing, however, while I wsas in my grow room checking my plants a tiny little black bug with clear wings landed on my finger,a nat? I dont know, just a tiny little thing, I inspected all my...
  5. J

    A/C Unit for Small Grow room, Suggestions?

    I have a small closet grow room, temps getting pretty high, I'm ok for right now but when it starts to get warmer outside I will deffinetly need to think about either not having this grow room, or somehow cooling it down. I am on the 6th day of my first veg right now, I am going to wait for my...
  6. J

    Yellow Spots on my clones!

    Ok I am going to leave them alone for a few days, let them dry out and then I will water then with just plain water and flush it thru, I will lighten up on the super thrive, and maybe the nitrex, however I was told that especially in the Veg stage the plants LOVE nitrogen, I purchased my organix...
  7. J

    My Grow Journal

    Day 6 Veg Cycle Watered last night, Added 1/2 TBLSP Mollasses per gal of food mix. Plants seem to be developing yellow spots, still growing nicely.
  8. J

    Yellow Spots on my clones!

    i'm only on day 6 of my veg cycle, so I'm thinking maybe they are just still stressed from new soil, light, ferts/nutes, maybe they are just still adjusting? but they all have yellow spots, some worse than others. PH is about 6.8. They get water with there food mix (FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom...
  9. J

    How often to water

    Does watering have to be done consistantly, or just water when they need it? and do I use my ferts/nutes with each watering? (mix: FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom, PH Down, Super Thrive, Nitrex)
  10. J


    Is it a problem to make your water/nute mix a couple days before you use it?
  11. J

    FoxFarm Ferts/Nutes Light sensitive??

    is it bad to leave my mix of food in the grow room with the light on? the container is light colored so the mix could absorb the light, just thought they might be light sensitive since they all come in solid bottles? I use all fox farm, and organic nitrex, super thrive, and advanced nutrients PH...
  12. J

    Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching

    Anyone Use them? What are your thoughts? Considering adding them to my mix but I would need to order it online, i want to make sure its something that I should use before ordering it, I want to do anything and everything I can to have the biggest and best buds possible, with the most yield I can...
  13. J

    My Grow Journal

    Purchased a hella cool water sprayer today, it holds 2 gallons so that will make it easier to make my entire plant mix directly into the sprayer. I feel better lightly spraying the plants rather than heavily pouring water onto them anyway. I'm going to start adding Molasses to my feeding mix...
  14. J

    Using Advanced Nutrients PH Down, need help.

    nothing wrong with throwing lesbianism around either tho ;) hehehe j/k just get a lot of stuff on the cannibis websites about being a female, then everyone assumes there must be a man somewhere doing all the work!! and FYI, I can outsmoke any man in the cannibis world its a wonder men run it.
  15. J

    Grow room to hot, help

    I almost gave up, had the same prob I have an apartment and a 2x7 closet, it took a lot of hard work I had to rebuild my grow room over and over again till it was usable, my temps started at 105!!! they are now maintaining about 82, i will still prob have problems in the summer but i'll have to...
  16. J

    Using Advanced Nutrients PH Down, need help.

    lol well i'm not someones babe tryin to learn some stuff lol i built my grow room myself, learned everything myself, my GIRLFRIEND loves to learn with me tho ;)
  17. J

    Using Advanced Nutrients PH Down, need help.

    thx for all of your advice, fyi, i'm a her ;) i'm going to go shop for a PH water meter tomorrow, can i just get a digial one? whats the cheapest I can find that?
  18. J

    Fox Farm Soils! Which is better?

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest vs Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil? Which is better for indoor growing?
  19. J

    Watering ??'s

    So I need to make a seperate mix of H20 with Grow Big/Tiger Bloom/Nitrex/Super Thrive/PH Down, and one mix of H20 with just Tiger Bloom? And alternate waterings between the two? Do you rec just mixing gallons and keeping them in milk jugs? Its difficult going into my closet with gallons of...
  20. J

    Watering ??'s

    Once I get the Tiger Bloom and add that to my water, do I use that mix every day, or every other watering? and does the water need to sit for a whilebefore being given to the plants?