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  1. bud nugbong


    and chuck that stonerdays pic of "pistils" look more like male preflowers to me.
  2. bud nugbong


    still could be a hermie. keep an eye out.
  3. bud nugbong

    getawaymountain 2014 outdoor

    Looks like a sea serpent with a dogs head haha.
  4. bud nugbong

    Unhappy after move outdoors

    yea if your plant had eyes it would be squinting in pain. Sun is much stronger than a bulb. Its been a while since ive hardend off but I want to say I put it under a tree/bush the first day, 2 hours sun the next, then 4, then day 4 it was all day. I disliked doing it so much I just wait and...
  5. bud nugbong

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    If they have never had food might be safer at 1/4 for the first feed. after that step it up to half. make sure to water a little first to make sure the ferts spread evenly and don't come on too strong. I like to feed at least an hour before the sun is up. make sure it gets flushed with water...
  6. bud nugbong

    First outdoor grow.

    jeez man those leaves in 53 look like a pepper plant. My guess would be a root issue. But that's a wild guess. I transplated a tomato into shitty clay soil with no drainage and the leaves started to grow like that. don't know if its your problem but it looks similar.
  7. bud nugbong

    male or female? ???

    yea the 2 white hairs coming out are female parts. the little cluster of balls with no hairs (they start out with one ball so it can be hard to tell) are the males.
  8. bud nugbong

    Best soil nutes for Jalapeños and Tomatoes?

    I read a while ago that too much N can possibly do this...I just started growing peppers this year so im not experienced. But doing my research I did read something like that to explain why it would drop flowers. I am actually loving the jalapenos, im not much of a spicy guy but I like what im...
  9. bud nugbong

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    yea it should be just fine, I used MG when I first started. The biggest problem is that its easy to overfeed. its the heroin of fertilizers. too much and your done.
  10. bud nugbong

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    and poo tang, usually lack of N starts off with yellowing of bottom leaves. that's probly what you got going on. Make sure you don't feed full strength. it would most likely be too much and hurt your plant. start off light and see how it takes it. As far as flowering, Im in southern newengland...
  11. bud nugbong

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I seent it, I know fres says to kill it but I think you should just pluck the pod and see if any more sprout on you. If you can keep it away from the others it would be safest, but you've only got a few plants. at least give it a shot unless it gets real bad.
  12. bud nugbong

    male or female? ???

    mm I actually chopped one this morning because it looked like a male, and when I looked closer it did have one set of pistils. I could have misjudged it and cut too soon. wasn't the best looking so im not worried, but its better to be 100% than pulling early.
  13. bud nugbong

    male or female? ???

    still hard to tell in those pics, look for the little ball that's growing in the crotch. it will either have 2 white hairs (female). if its a male the pod will actually grow out on its own branch and have no hairs. make sure it starts to grow on the branch before you cut it. sometimes they...
  14. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    So I did some work at home today. Cut down a potted one that looked like a male. Had little balls with what looked like stems at the bottom. so I chopped it and found one pistil on a branch. I hope it was just a single one and not a mistake. I gave it some time and most of them looked like male...
  15. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    yea its HEMP in the pinks, Ive got a small piece of mjna I am actually thinking of getting rid of. I got it when I was really green and maybe got like 100$ worth as a "bookmark" for a future bigger buy. But what ive read as a company they don't seem to have much that stands them apart from all...
  16. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    Did you buy the HEMP during that big rise a few months ago? that's why im down in it right now. I had a smallish postion then when I saw it starting to climb the hill. I was waiting for the money in the account while watching it go up, and bought a shitload up high. I think im in @ .096. right...
  17. bud nugbong

    How often to you think i should water these?

    that's pretty much what I do, I try to let the rain take care of waterings and just visit for the feeding, every 7-10 days is what I shoot for. Might be tough when they get bigger and start putting on serious buds. then they could start to drink it up faster than you can supply. Im not much of...
  18. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    damn man sorry to hear about that. any particular plays that really f-d you up?
  19. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    yea I like fslr too, they have been used a lot in the bigger projects around the country. Or SCTY, I think they will also be big in the residential projects. as far as ackman, it seemed like his conference didn't hurt the HLF shares, actually had there best day in more than 5 years. we'll see...
  20. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    speaking of herbalife, I am listening to the argument between Icahn and ackman on tv from a while ago. From what ive heard ackman is a "fraud" and whatnot. Listening to the argument he seems like a very smart articulate guy who gets down to the facts. Icahn comes off as an asshole. doesn't...