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  1. H

    Help diagnose problem - pictures for reference

    shouldnt the lower portion of the roots be submerged in the water ? and yh they look hungry , N . But take what i say like a grain of salt , im quite a nub XD . let s wait for the big guys opinion
  2. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    i dont , hum yh it s already happened the lowest leaves got submerged with water.... why ? I ve got a question about flushing the soil . Recognized the soil is hot , is it better to flush it as soon as possible or next time you water use no nutes at all ?
  3. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    the white residue is garden lime , i had to do a hell of a correction last week coz ph was very very low , now it s fine . it s its genetic , that applejack is always been mottled since sprouting what about waiting the next watering instead of flushing now? just water nothing else, but in a...
  4. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    thx man i m gonna purchase that camg product give it a go and cut down some nutes. About the P , yh after all i ve put them in flow stage today so i guess they dont rlly need it yet, even if it was my first time i ever fed them with bio bloom so i dont expect them being on an excess of P at the...
  5. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    Update: They re so growing but the brown patches are getting worse , looks like the leaves whithering and dying . Luckily there are only a couple. Today ive switched to the flowering phase. 3ml biogrow , 3ml bioheaven, 1ml topmax , 2ml bio bloom, 1ml algamic. Furthermore i pumped in some...
  6. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    2 ml biogrow , 2 ml bioheaven , 1 ml algamic
  7. H

    Seed not germinating HELPP!

    you shouldnt be worried about it. Sometimes the root doesnt pop up even after 2 days . that what happened to me , still i decided to put the seed in the soil and 2 days later a seedling was born XD
  8. H

    Growth looks strong but...brown spots????

    Hi everybody , Looks like these spots have started popping out 2 days ago... (the white powder is just lime) can it be nutes def related to a low ph? It s always been low (5.5) , i m putting up a struggle to get it right 250w hps , temp around 81-82° and humidity 40-50 rh light cicle ,73°...
  9. H

    Is this normal?

    thx time for the chart , very useful! i m not gonna switch to 24 coz i m growing in one of my wardrobe . i wanna have a mellow sleep lol
  10. H

    Is this normal?

    lol i hope so , after all it looks like it s growing fast and strong . here s a pic taken 4 days ago
  11. H

    Is this normal?

    yh the fan is always on with the light, there s a lot of airflow. uhm i water it every 2-3 days , when the soil 2inches under is getting dry
  12. H

    Is this normal?

    Hi guys, Hope you can help me with this. applejack (2 weeks old) 250 w hps 18 on 6 off 11 inch far from the light bio bizz all mix soil , i ve added 2 tablespoons of garden lime (it s 7,5 litre pot) ph 6.5 - 7 temp around 83 give or take and rh 40% (used to be 30 , after adding a...
  13. H

    250 W hps first time indoor grower (wardrobe), with pics

    Thank you very much for the suggestions XD . a little upgrade , i took the doors off to get more space and put a reflex sheet. the hole at the bottom is for the fan, top to exhaust. Convection theory haha. The themormeter says 90° but if i keep my hand on the soil it s not hot at all , quite...
  14. H

    250 W hps first time indoor grower (wardrobe), with pics

    Hi guys, i ve just set up the system 2 days ago saturday and i want to grow 2 plants (applejack and hex) in a 31x66 inch wardrobe. The 4 seedlings are passion#1 and i ll be growing them outdoor as soon as they re big enough to be transplanted (they re 1 week old and have been under the lamp...