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  1. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I technically didn't lollipop any of my plants. I think lollipopping entails trimming all the lower half stems off and just leaving the top half. I believe in just letting the plant grow out personally, the only time i've ever trimmed my plants is when they were too tall and the light couldn't...
  2. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I think my plan is going to be to buy another little cabinet for my clones or mothers, probably clones. Then i'll put a shelf in my current cabinet and have the top half for my mothers and the bottom half for my 12-15 flowering plants. I was going to do it today but something came up, plus i'm...
  3. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I almost tossed the male cause I kind of forgot about him but I watered him and put a 42w CFL on him today. He was without light for a few days and was pretty dry too. The 1st pic you can see it bending over a little bit still, but before I watered it and gave it some light it was almost all...
  4. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Power Plant - Flower Day 20 Day 34 I changed my plans up a bit and decided to keep all 8 of them and just leave them in the 5" pots. I took out the 2 males, currently have the best one in my closet.. waiting for it to drop pollen to collect.. I can take some pics of him too if anyone wants...
  5. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Here's a pic from my last grow.. as you can see I should have plenty of space for a shelf. What do you mean have 1 mother, 2 plants flowering, and then your clones? If you have a mother then you just take clones off her and flower them? Just need 2 seperate areas for the clones/mothers and...
  6. Pazzo

    First Grow. WW

    I know with my white widow I needed to give it some cal/mag supplement almost every feeding.. loves it so much.. so that could be your problem. If you can, check out a local hydro store and you can get some cal/mag fertz. But if you want to use epsom salt I remember finding mine near the...
  7. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I don't have any pics of it completed yet, but I do hope to get it done this weekend so I can have clones ready to go by the time I harvest what I have now.
  8. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Yeah thanks for that idea for the containers, I also thought of getting some 1L coke bottles and using them. My 4 inchers should be here monday and hopefully they'll work, and if all goes well I might even be able to fit 15 in there. As for heat issues, the only time I really have any heat...
  9. Pazzo

    There is never a need to travel back in time

    Yea but what if we wanted to go back in time to do something that wouldn't affect anything? For example, have sex with a girl you know you coulda.. :hump:
  10. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Power Plant - Flower Day 14 Day 28 I just got finished watering them with 1 gallon purified water and a mix of: 1.5 tablespoons PBP Bloom for Soil (1.5-4-5) 2 teaspoons Liquid Karma 1 teaspoon Cal/Mag supplement I still have 1 unknown but I do have 4 extremely healthy females ready to be...
  11. Pazzo

    anyone have good organic nutes for veg they recommend?

    I use fish emulsions (5-1-1) for veg. and it works great. Can usually find it at lowes or home depot.
  12. Pazzo

    What are your favourite strains to grow?

    Yeah WW is definatly my favorite strain so far, but it is only my 4th one. I would suggest it to anyone though, which is why I made seeds from my first crop.. i've probably given 30 away to friends and still got about 50 left. I went with the Dutch Passion WW seeds too, I think it was just...
  13. Pazzo

    Regenerated plant

    How long did it take for it to go back to the veg. state? I was gonna try this with a WW of mine but my exhaust fan got unplugged and she was fried by the time I got home. I would suggest taking clones and using those instead of flowering her again.. maybe keep her around for a mom?
  14. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I now have 7 confirmed females, 2 males, and 1 unknown. Still waiting on that last one in the square pot to show. From now it should take about 7 weeks (hopefully) for the indicas and up to 9 weeks for the sativa phenos to finish.
  15. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Power Plant - Flower Day 10 Day 24 I watered all of them yesterday with 1 gallon purified water and a mix of: 1 teaspoon Fish Emulsions 2 teaspoons Cal-mag supplement 2 teaspoons Liquid Karma I'll probably switch over to flower nutes for my next feeding. Unfortantely I didn't start...
  16. Pazzo

    check these out and give some advise, PLEASE!!!!

    Yeah np, it doesn't matter where you bury them at just as long as it's not burying any plant matter. Yeah that should be fine, I actually use MG soil and have great results from it.. the stuff in the green bag not the organic stuff though. Check out my grow link in my signature if you want...
  17. Pazzo

    check these out and give some advise, PLEASE!!!!

    There the little leaves that first pop out of the seed when it sprouts.. basically the lowest "leaf" on the plant. Leave like a half inch from the dirt and the lowest leaves when u transplant again, will save you some space too.
  18. Pazzo

    check these out and give some advise, PLEASE!!!!

    Looks pretty perfect for 2 weeks old. When you transplant them make sure you bury them up to the cotyldons cause I see a bit of stretching but other then that you're in good shape.
  19. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Little update.. have 1 confirmed female.. unfortantely it was one in a cup, but oh well. Probably showed quicker cause I didn't transplant her. I wanted to water them tonight but my roommates parents are here and I can't exactly go downstairs and fill up a pitcher of water. :? I've also...
  20. Pazzo

    Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!

    Here's the best growfaq I could find for spider mites..