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  1. Pazzo

    Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!

    Damn that sucks, i've never had spider mites so I don't know what to do with 'em really. If the shultz and neem oil will work don't waste any time!
  2. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Power Plant - Flower Day 5 Day 19 They all had a nice little growth spurt and are lookin great after the feeding. The ones in the cups are drinkin the water down pretty fast so I gotta water them cause there lookin dry and droopy already. There all about 6.5" except for the runt, I hope to...
  3. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I've heard hang drying in a plastic bag helps that too, maybe doing both would be double good. I don't really have that much weed to justify doing that with now but I might later to keep it fresher.. not sure how my roomies would like that tho. :rolleyes:
  4. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Yeah, it's just a Nitrogen defiency. On a couple of them they actually got burnt somehow (think MG perlite), but now need some fertz. Others seemed to use a lot more Nitrogen tho.. must be the widow in those ones.
  5. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Well you might be able to see in my pics that the bottom leaves are basically all dead already.. and it's only day 17. Generally I would start to feed at about the beggining of week 2 but since this was a new strain I just wanted to see what she was about. I would say the first 2 weeks you...
  6. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Power Plant - Flower Day 3 Day 17 Ok so I switched to 12/12 a couple days ago with them all at about 4" or so. I went ahead and transplated 6 of them to my 5" pots as well. My plan was to transplant them all but there just simply isn't enough room, I need to order those smaller pots cause I...
  7. Pazzo

    how much should a quarter way out to

    What book and what is fluid oz's?
  8. Pazzo

    how much should a quarter way out to

    1 ounce is 28 grams, 1/4 of that is 7 grams. If you have a digi scale then it should just say 7.0 or whatever. Make sure you calibrate it first or at least throw a nickel on there and make sure it weighs 5 grams.
  9. Pazzo

    Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!

    I've actually always used MG soil beleive it or not.. but i'm hoping I can find some better soil locally for my current grow. I've always used the Pure Blend Pro nutes and they've worked great, especially the bloom for soil (1.5-4-5). I've started using fish fertz for veg. tho and that seems...
  10. Pazzo

    First Grow. WW

    They look great man, wish I had a full grow journal of my WW but I just got the last 2 weeks of one. Look pretty much perfect for where your at, at about 6 weeks they'll start to fatten up really nice.
  11. Pazzo

    Your personal preferance: Vegative lighting.

    Yea I would say the blue spectrum is better for veg., but everyone knows that anyways. I've just noticed for me it doesn't really matter, but it could be that I have a 250w HPS 10" from the tops of my plants in a 2 square foot cabinet.. so I got a lot of light distribution.
  12. Pazzo

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Yeah it's mylar. I got mine off the internet but I found a local hydro store that has it too.
  13. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    The buds are the widow.
  14. Pazzo

    Question about LST

    1. It doesn't really slow the growth but rather spreads the growth out evenly too all the chutes instead of just the main one, so it'll just take a bit longer to veg. For me it took about 6 weeks and finished in a 3 gallon pot. 2. I used string as well and I never had problems with the...
  15. Pazzo

    Your personal preferance: Vegative lighting.

    I used to use a 250w MH conversion bulb for veg. and then switched to a HPS bulb for flower. I now use just a HPS bulb for the whole cycle and it doesn't really make a big difference imo. If your other choice would be CFL's then a HPS is def. better.
  16. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Here's a couple pics, hope they look good..
  17. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    It's funny, after reading up on PPP some more I found out it's WWxDurban Poison.. weird I didn't realize that before. Anyways, I was thinking about changing up my plans and going ahead and flowering them now and then just make seeds like I did with the widow (still got like 50 left). I...
  18. Pazzo

    Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!

    Well for doing SOG grows soil is probably prefered I think. Hydro grows faster in veg., and they both take the same time in flower so really it doesn't matter. If I was going to grow larger plants, hydro would probably be the smarter way to go if time was an issue. Soil is way easier then hydro...
  19. Pazzo

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Not very long really, at most about a week.
  20. Pazzo

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Here's some white widow I flowered at 1.5 weeks of veg. at about 2-3" tall, they averaged 16" tall and got 3/4-1oz. per plant.