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  1. H

    need help for outdoors +++rep

    If you grew them outside in the greenhouse for the growing season yes you could produce way more buds outside. The atvantage to the outdoor maturation process is it is mor gradual and therefore giving a longer period to stretch and flower. Indoor you can make the process quicker just on a...
  2. H

    Bagseed Organic PICS

    yeah got like 10 different phenos out of one bag this one looks the best i think it might be a reveg canidate
  3. H

    Bagseed Organic PICS

    Update Update Update. I've been giving heavy bloom nutes 0-30-30 and gowing to start lowering that next feeding. In 12 days i am going to start a 1 week flush and then chope chope. The trics are mostly cloudy now and some clear but not many no amber though Heres some from the same seed stock 2...
  4. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    That sounds like a pretty good place. to be seen :spew:. Can you schedule a time where there is no chance being seen harvesting watering planting extc brainstorm thats not the easiest way out it the easiest way in and you'll be doing plenty of thiskiss-ass
  5. H

    12/12 from the getgo with clones?

    With good mom strains your not gonna herm and an ounce a plant sounds pretty damn good to me probably take a few grows to get dialed in that good though but i'm pretty sure i can produce 10 to 15 easy now
  6. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    Alright then put them outside and you'll be amazed with your results. You are lucky to have the extra growing season outside spring flowering if i had that there would be 4 footers outside now those plants you have could be 1 to 2 footers you a crazy if you smoke them now its like smoking stems.
  7. H

    Late Bloomer?

    I have heard of misting early in flower with bloom nutes to create more bud sites but not late into flower bcuz mold. I have only done this once i'm not a mister nor will i ever be one. Find some alaska morbloom 0-10-10 its cheap and you can easily up your intake to 0-30-30 i also you a pure...
  8. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    if you smoke them now or in 1 or 3 weeks you be trying to figure out if your high after you smoke it you won't be high
  9. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    Ok this isn't my first grow but it is with the hps and if it that warm in you area go put them outside and finish them they will beef up. You have still not said why you have to get rid of them and if you do continue your grow i would start counting them at about 3 weeks the lack of light will...
  10. H

    12/12 from the getgo with clones?

    I upgraded too a 400 hps in January and my first grow is bagseed 12/12 from seed with great results so far. I am slowly transitioning into big bang clone and kc mango clones I'm putting 6 in the flower room every week. There is 6 big bang and six kc mango already in also this weeks strain going...
  11. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    So still my number 1 question / Why do you have to cut these plants? /2/ If its security reasons, what are your temps outside? You shouldn't cut these cuz you need smoke becuz an hour after its dry it will be gone and you won't be high. They have a long way to go and you can get there anyone...
  12. H

    Crispy leaves at top of plant only. help! (pics)

    Heavy ph fluctuation did you flush them. I think all you can hope for is healthy new growth don't over nute or let salts build up as a new indoor grower i take a very cautious approach to nutes and watering
  13. H

    Run out of hieght in grow room- PLEASE HELP?

    that Dr. Green Genes says i he runs out of room he just snaps them over where they touch the ceiling but sounds like your gonna need 2-to3 feet
  14. H

    Ww scrog prob

    What are you feeding/light/temp
  15. H

    Transplanted sprout is dying

    Wait it out and lick the crap out of it
  16. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    Oh yeah and this is 5 to 6 weeks today so i know whats up
  17. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    and why do you have to get rid of them and maybe you should just take some advice i'm trying to help. What are the temps in your area
  18. H

    2nd harvest pics.

    Do you have a pic of the big bang like full plant with buds still on it
  19. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    look at this post its still on page one of this category
  20. H

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    dude u can't even be in week 3 of flower why do you need to move them