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  1. arss

    PPM Confussion

    I would start flushing hj at week 7 or so. if herijuana is estimated at 8 weeks its probably gonna take 9 maybe 10 to finish properly. If i have no idea how long its gonna flower, i'll flush shy of week 8. I've only grown a handful of different strains but none have finished earlier than 9...
  2. arss

    PPM Confussion

    What was the estimated flowering time for your seeds? If i haven't grown the strain before, I usually start my flush one week short the estimated harvest, usually week 7 or 8 of flowering, and I flush until they are ready to harvest
  3. arss

    PPM Confussion

    Are you filling your res with a nutrient solution or with plain water? if you fill your res with a nutrient solution the ppm rises because your plants don't use 100% of the nutes you give them. So the nutes that are not used start to build up
  4. arss

    DIY 70% to ~100% ISO

    you don't need to wait for a scale. you can start mixing in small amounts of salt, like 1/4 teaspoon, into the alcohol. if the salt dissolves completely, add a little more. keep doing this until the salt does not dissolve when you add more. the salt dissolves into the water in the iso alcohol...
  5. arss

    DIY 70% to ~100% ISO

    very cool, i remember doing an experiment like this in high school lol. The stores around my house sell 99% iso for only like 30-40 cents more a bottle, but next time I can't find any i'll try this.
  6. arss

    Pics of Space from the repaired Hubble Telescope

    you guys should check out Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day. I can spend hours on that site. If you click on the calandar link near on the bottom of the page you can see APOD pictures from 1995-2009
  7. arss

    can i use this lighting source ?

    I agree and I posted a link to htg earlier in the thread.
  8. arss

    Because I'm stoned

    because I'm stoned... I'm using my laptop as i drop a duce
  9. arss

    can i use this lighting source ?

    yup, they just sell replacement bulbs. Some carry low wattage hps (70 or 150 watt) that are usually sold as security lights or spotlights; these lights have built in ballasts and come with a bulb. I recommend just going to the local Home depot and have yourself a look or buy online
  10. arss

    can i use this lighting source ?

    you totally hijacked this thread lol
  11. arss

    Honey Oil

    you can get bho from wet leaves/bud but it works much better if you dry your leaves/bud. also with wet material, the extractor gets clogged easier and may cause a blowback I use all the leaves, trim, and popcorn-buds from my grows to make bho. let them dry for 4-5 days until they are crispy and...
  12. arss

    can i use this lighting source ?

    if you buy a mh bulb you'll need a ballast to run it. you can get an 150w mh or hps system for pretty cheap and it will work much better than a flood light.
  13. arss

    1% cloning success with super silver... any1 else?

    i feel your pain lol I had one hell of a time trying to get my master kush clones to root. try to keep everything sterile. I use a little rubbing alcohol and clean my razor after every couple of cuts. just keeping things clean has upped my cloning success rate *edit...
  14. arss

    1% cloning success with super silver... any1 else?

    I never had any luck with bubble cloners. I think its because i can't keep the water temp down. Anyway, I've grown a few super silver hazes and have always had a hard time cloning from them, it always takes a couple of days longer. Try cloning with peat pellets or rockwool cubes, they have...
  15. arss

    Leaking Roughnecks!!??????

    I had the same problem with one of mine because the the lid was warped a little. I bought some binding clips and put them around the rim and all of my leaks stopped. check them out, i got a box of sixty for 5 bucks at walmart...
  16. arss

    I need help to lower temp in grow cabinet

    Yeah, those booster fans are shit. check out s&p inline-fans ( they're very quite and relatively cheap, i have a 4in and a 6in and am very happy with them.
  17. arss

    Best Grinder for Hash?

    I had a chromium crusher and i hated it. it always got clogged up and mushed my bud together into hard chunks. also the metallic finish started to chip off. I have a xxl sharpstone grinder now and i like it, plus it was pretty cheap (I get quite a bit of keif from it too). I suggest spending a...
  18. arss

    I need help to lower temp in grow cabinet

    what kind of inline fans do you have and whats their cfm?
  19. arss

    Estrogen when germinating ?

    I've looked at a couple of these "tricks" (I tried using a banana peel during germination) and none make much of a difference. I think that it's more of a wishful thinking kind of thing. If you don't want to mess with sexing and pulling males, just buy some feminized seeds.
  20. arss

    Pre-sexing, then re-vegging?

    you can do that if you want. I've done it and none of my ladies were stressed enough to produce pollen sacks. It took a while for the sex to show on a few of my plants and it ended up taking a lot longer than i expected. Also if you veg long enough (~6 weeks or so) they should start to show...