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  1. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Stem color?

    its nothing, if the purpling runs up the veins of the leaves then its a difficency
  2. LT1RX7 Drifter

    DWC Air Pump Question

    #1 its not a self-made theory, they are facts it kills all micro life #2 h202 has its place in a grow but not in the soil, at least in the fasion you all seem it sould be used, and i only attacked one member who has a huge history of telling almost every plant problem replies to with h202 man...
  3. LT1RX7 Drifter

    DWC Air Pump Question

    uptake of nutrients can slow down to almost stopping, root system temps i thing are just as important as ambiant air temps and when the air temps drop so does the rate of growth.
  4. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    dude i dont give to shits if your grow mushrooms with purple fuckin umbrellas you are not going to convince me, my methods work if you dont like them dont use them fyi commercial mushroom farms are not sterile on bit only the compost base before the sowing of myco spores is sterile, but what do...
  5. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    nothing in your link talks about mollases, it talks about different nitrifing bacteria and how is uses carbs and gives off ammonium and converts it to a host of different nutrient compounds
  6. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    your a moron the mushroom composed is load with mycho's so again pucker up your lips to my brown eye mr know-it-all, maybe you should have gone to college with me and taken plant biology and horticulture classes like i did for 2 yrs, also to note the op's recipe doesnt have anything more or...
  7. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    now thats funny i didnt give you anything you did it yourself after i flamed you, i see you had your flame suit on as it didnt burn your ass like other seem to allow here have a :bigjoint: on me
  8. LT1RX7 Drifter

    i have never done it and wont as i know for fact it stresses the shit out of them, the hormone...

    i have never done it and wont as i know for fact it stresses the shit out of them, the hormone that causes plants to flower maxes out @ 12hrs, keeping them in the dark longer doesnt make the plant produce more of the hormone the light need to come on for the plants to produce more when the...
  9. LT1RX7 Drifter

    yah i read dont do that it stresses plants out nature does not do it so we shouldnt either, a...

    yah i read dont do that it stresses plants out nature does not do it so we shouldnt either, a good thing to ask yourself is "does it happen in nature" if it doesnt then dont do it, mother nature has had a very efficent system to nurture plant grow that has taken billions of years to refine and...
  10. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods, sure you even looked, i type just cricket poop and it comes up with 7 million hits it the very first link, you have experienced a epic fail search button owns you
  11. LT1RX7 Drifter

    36 hour darkness?

    nice avatar, i got the pic from the beach were your being a dork i could blur your facve with a big pot leaf
  12. LT1RX7 Drifter

    36 hour darkness?

    dont leave the lights off to speed up the phasing of veg to flower like i said you stressed it some how and that was what did it no worries you got lots of clones to practice with lol till next time #2 thats my nick name for you lol
  13. LT1RX7 Drifter

    a light leak could cause it, you left the light off to harvest one didnt yah lol

    a light leak could cause it, you left the light off to harvest one didnt yah lol
  14. LT1RX7 Drifter

    stay true grow pot live life happy screw the haters and for the life of me dont drop the soap hommie

    stay true grow pot live life happy screw the haters and for the life of me dont drop the soap hommie
  15. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    here is my recipe 1cup worm castings (blooming gardens) 1cup cricket poo ( cricket poo brand) 1 cup bat guano (whitney farms) 1 cup mushroom compost (whitney farms) 1/4 cup seaweed ( maxicrop) put in a sock work vigorously in 4 gallons of water ph to 6.0 ppm comes out to 750ppm usually
  16. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    never use never will i have in the past and had nothing but bug issues as well as a lock out on a few plants, funny you say it essential for organic growing lol i never use it and have greenhouse plants yeild coupious amount of bud as well as a few other fellow growers
  17. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    every watering i give tea, doesnt matter what the plants says lol, i have never burned with tea even @ 100% strength, i ph mine @ 6.0
  18. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    Why buy panyhose, use a old sock ziptie the end.As for tea's and use indoors or out it makes no difference, mollasses really is doing more harm then good, it blocks mag uptake as well as locking out boron and zinc, attracks bugs. If the soil is healthy the plant will get all the sugars it needs...
  19. LT1RX7 Drifter

    FUCHHHHHK 24hr light cycle!!!!!

    i have bought a lot of tga gear and alot of them were male which is why i dont buy it anymore, really dont think length of light has anything to do with getting a higher % of females, i select my sees by hand now and look for certain trait in how the seed is formed and im pretty spot on with...
  20. LT1RX7 Drifter


    he wont i have instucted him well