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  1. LT1RX7 Drifter


    here are two of the three from the greenhouse you didnt get to see finish
  2. LT1RX7 Drifter

    DWC Air Pump Question

    ok homie dump away watch as your shit takes a crap h2o2 is not as great as you think but hey its your shit you do what ever you like im going to smoke a fatty now that was grown with out h202, better yet do a search on the net bet you dont find one comerical use of it or any scientific studies...
  3. LT1RX7 Drifter

    DWC Air Pump Question

    wow every post excepct 2 were even close to helping you with your problems, one add a frozen water bottle to stablize res temps, DO NOT USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AND BIGV1976 QUITE TELLING PEOPLE TO USE THE SHIT, its for cleaning it remove skin from your jands what do you think it does toroot...
  4. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Help To Build a growroom, the best way I can

    You need to increase the fan to a 6" and I'm sure the filter is also to small and doesnt have the surface area needed for enough air exchange to cool for 400WATT light, you could then use the 4" fan for tent ventilation and use the 6" just for cooling the light, want even more control add...
  5. LT1RX7 Drifter

    What's too cold during the dark times?

    ambient air temps are important but i feel IME the root system temps are the key to night time air tempature tolerence if you can keep the roots @ 70* @ night you can have just about any temp you want (could make for some neat color changes) and it does ;-). Here is my reasons why in nature...
  6. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Electrical help please, need to make a timer board

    well said, which is what i was getting @ in my pm's with the op, and i to also suggested the exact same power control panel
  7. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Electrical help please, need to make a timer board

    oh i forgot you havent been part of me and the op pm's so yah you got the whole story huh
  8. LT1RX7 Drifter

    18/6 never again

    12/1 schedule light cycle starts @ 7am for 30 minutes then off for 30 minutes till 7pm then the lights are off for 5.5 hrs then on for 1hr then off till 7am, the saved money on power can be spend on better bulbs to off set the wear on bulbs if using hid, if you veg under t5 or any floresent...
  9. LT1RX7 Drifter

    18/6 never again

    false bugs do not care about day or night when it comes to breeding, i mean hell do you care if its dark out when your hittin the pu-tang probibly not
  10. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    slowing down a solid state type fan burns the brushes out from my understanding due to heat build up and added wear to the magnets and armature
  11. LT1RX7 Drifter

    How often to you replace your flower bulbs?

    light meter do not owrk ike that he is just tring to push a sale, remember its there job to help you spend money, for the record i have had new bulbs that were just as bright as 6 month old bulbs with 3 cycles on it
  12. LT1RX7 Drifter

    18/6 never again

    i veg under 8 hrs of light with a 12/1 schedule and have no issue with growth rate matter fact the plants have better growth thicker stocks and shorter internode spacing
  13. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Electrical help please, need to make a timer board

    lisenced huh lol right thats why you refered to a breaker as "15", or the fact you just told him to double lug a feeder cable at the breaker panel is against nec code, 2800w is not enough when the lights alone use 2000 watts, like i said bad addvice, now if you pig tail the power feed from the...
  14. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Leaves Curling Upward Help Plz

    for the record the magic number for hid's maximum light penetration is 18" above the canopy, to far and you lose yield, to close and you heat stress your shit
  15. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Leaves Curling Upward Help Plz

    do not use hydrogen peroxide you kill off all good microbes, no mention of res temps but my best guess is your ec is off and the plants are locked out and cant get enough water, the response they are showing is a reaction to lack of water uptake and heat as a compounded problem
  16. LT1RX7 Drifter

    How often to you replace your flower bulbs?

    maybe he makes some on the side for profit who cares it his business not yours
  17. LT1RX7 Drifter

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    thats is a boy congradulations, no need for a soil tester just ph your nutes and water @ 6.0 and you will be fine top dress with worm tea between feedings
  18. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Electrical help please, need to make a timer board

    all bad addvice he's not an electrician there is actually a fella here that has a thread for just this type of thing that is a licensed electrician that run his own business, search with the word electician with the forum search engine
  19. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Does anyone have a grow cabinet in a cold garage?

    i have a 3x3x5.5 ft cabinet with just cfl, you will have to insulate it as you temps wont hold very high low to mid 60's at best, insulate the floor with insulation board from home depot the pink crap with shine foil on both sides, mine has reflectix on the inside for insulation and reflection...
  20. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Help drouping leaves is this ok

    time to repot the little girl she need root room bro, whats stump tea lol, need more info, you florescent shop light looks to far away