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  1. thirdgen4me

    Have aeroponic clones rooted help with transplant

    Thanks for the replies guys.. I will let them stay in the cloner longer until I have a good root mass. I might end up putting 4 in soil and 3 in a DWC set-up.
  2. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites

    Thanks for all the help guys! I still haven't found any trace of mites on my 6 week flowering plant. I will continue to keep a close eye on her and use neem oil just in case. I hate to do it but I am going to destroy two of my plants for fear of infection! The good part of this is that I...
  3. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites

    Great! lol I know nothing about these nasty things and I've been researching online now for awhile to learn. I'm on my third crop and never had one single pest issue until my dumb ass put an outdoor plant in my house! Needless to say I'll never do that again. I plan on picking up some of that...
  4. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites

    I guess I will see... My 6 week flowering girl has been fed organic insecticide with neem oil her whole life so maybe that helped it out?? I forgot to mention that the infected plant was only in my room for 2 days.
  5. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites

    Looks like I will just chop this plant and forget it. My main concern is a flowering plant(6 weeks) was in the room with it. I just inspected all 3 plants that were in the room and I can only see what might be pests on the one from outside. I moved the two smaller plants into a grow tent...
  6. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites Would using this be ok to spray down my girls? I was thinking I should dilute it with some water in a squirt bottle?
  7. thirdgen4me

    Question on spider mites

    Ok so I have a plant that was given to me but was outside. Now I realized that it has spider mites and I am scared to keep it in my flower room. How do mites transfer from one plant to another? Is it safe to keep it near but not touching other plants while I fight them off? Thanks!
  8. thirdgen4me

    Have aeroponic clones rooted help with transplant

    Ok so I have about 8 clones that just started rooting in my aeroponic bucket. I have had successful grows from seed in soil but haven't tried hydro yet. Should I wait until the clones have about 1-2" roots and transplant into fox farms soil OR can I make them dwc? I'm thinking I can leave...
  9. thirdgen4me

    First Dresser Grow~

    I wouldn't add more nutes or you could cause another lock out like you had before. Stay with 1/2 strength for now the yellow will go away but it will take a few days. Don't over fertilize it takes time for the plant to bounce back from the shock.
  10. thirdgen4me

    First grow (bagseed)

    Nice.. you got some fresh seeds!
  11. thirdgen4me

    First Dresser Grow~

    Looks like you got things back on track! That yellowing is just a N def. Don't add any more nutes than what you already used it will come back. They should now start to show some explosive growth! When they have a good environment and proper nutes they can grow an inch+ a day. I had one...
  12. thirdgen4me

    First Dresser Grow~

    Growing in a small confined space pretty much requires a cooltube and ducting. You should be ok for now with the fan going and higher temps but think about when you get to flowering. Anything above 86 in flowering pretty much slows growth down to a crawl. So just save up for a cool tube and...
  13. thirdgen4me

    Ph meter

    What soil are you using? I've never used a soil ph tester before and don't see a reason to. As long as you use good soil made for cannabis and ph your nutrient water than its fine.
  14. thirdgen4me

    Ph meter

    That is for water only and its a china rip off of the Milwaukee ph meter.
  15. thirdgen4me

    Think I should start flushing?

    I'm not sure how long these ones were vegged for but not 2 months. I want to say 4 weeks from clone. I usually veg for 4 to 6 weeks from seed and end up with a 2 foot tall tree..
  16. thirdgen4me

    First Dresser Grow~

    90 degrees is too hot for growing well.. Bring your temps down and everything should go good from here on..
  17. thirdgen4me

    Do I need an inline fan if I have an AC?

    I think the OP needs to give us more info on his set-up preferably a couple pics. If you have no air movement in your closet right now than at least leave your door open so they can breathe.
  18. thirdgen4me

    Think I should start flushing?

    Thanks Sterdaddy but I can't take all the credit seeing as how they are a friends that I am finishing while hes out of town.
  19. thirdgen4me

    Do I need an inline fan if I have an AC?

    If the a/c is mounted so it can exchange fresh air from outside the room then its alright. If you have a free standing unit inside the room than its not really doing anything other than cooling stagnant air.
  20. thirdgen4me

    First grow (bagseed)

    All stages of germination should be WARM. I always pre soak the seeds until they crack open, if you don't it will take much longer for the seeds to pop. I'm not sure how warm they should be but in my house a wet paper towel gets very cold sitting out. I usually place the towel into a zip lock...