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  1. ShoAL paTroL

    whats wrong with my OG KUSH ?

    ok dropped the ppm's and the ph also thanks for the help.
  2. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    i went to the petshop and got that shit that removes chorline.i would try that or the best is r/o water if u can get it.iam getting like 5 5 gallon bottles and gunna fill them up on my own,i dont have the dollas for a r/o system but thats the way to go.bottled water works good to(better then tap)
  3. ShoAL paTroL

    whats wrong with my OG KUSH ?

    ok ph is what i was thinking to.ill get it down and see what happens.i dropped my ppms already(upper 1100's). pump waters 4 times a day so i dont think there overwaterd and i have a mat down for the roots to grow under and in.since i put it down the roots have grown so far into...
  4. ShoAL paTroL

    whats wrong with my OG KUSH ?

    ok so these guys are in a flood/drain table.the nutes are pro bloom,liquid karma,and beastie is 6.3 and my ppm was 1345.running a 600w qauntum with vented hood.temp is 78 with about 60%humidity. so they looked great yesterday but when i went in today they looked like shit and seme...
  5. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    hygrozyme is awesome stuff!!trust me, its all about the roots.anyboby can get a plant to grow up but imo i care more about my roots then how big my plants are getting.if ur roots arent screaming out the bottom then u need to do more research on healthy plants.the only thing about hygrozme is if...
  6. ShoAL paTroL

    6 feet tall in my closet

    i agree.sorry but he's right.
  7. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    thanks bra!my first thread. Miss spelled some words tho.haha was late night style.hygrozyme is SO key in my book.breaking down old root mass to allow for and stimulate new growth.what a good thing!!
  8. ShoAL paTroL

    Almost arrested growing! 3 Cop cars surrounded me!

    cam's work awesome!!!HAHAHAHAHA................WE did like a charm..but iam also behind three big gates&4 miles of dirt roads
  9. ShoAL paTroL

    Almost arrested growing! 3 Cop cars surrounded me!

    i always had trash bags with me and would pick up trash along the way to my always gave me a reason to be out along back roads.where iam at trash is EVERYWHERE and nobody picks it up.when the rangers would see us they new what we doing (there job)cleaning up the forest,they thanked us...
  10. ShoAL paTroL

    6 feet tall in my closet

    i set up a coop with some friends.u can post other rec.s like i did and add plants
  11. ShoAL paTroL

    Pics, whats wrong?

    U GOTTA FLUSH!!then grab a ppm & a ph meter and after flushing refill ur res,check ur ppm levels in ur water,then add nutes but start at half the rate of whats on the back of the bottle.then go from there with ur ppm.tap waters starts off around 300 to 500+ and u want a reading around 1400 to...
  12. ShoAL paTroL

    how to remove posts?

    thanks bra i guess i didnt see that op before.anywyas that helped me alot.
  13. ShoAL paTroL

    Is Co2 for outdoors good?

    its not the planet i dont have faith in.....its the people i dont have faith in:wall:....if ya get chance somrtime.cruz the redwwod highway(hwy 101)north.;-)
  14. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    its just a copy i made to for wallet for the feds that read this stuff.
  15. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    then enzyme solutions are awesome stuff for a healty root zone.there many types with different functions.we only really care about two.ones thta accelerate suger /resin production and work to create flavor and aroma.then ththere are those that break down dying and dead plant proteins(dead leafs...
  16. ShoAL paTroL

    keeping rots in perfect health

    yeah sorry i only have so much time..ok well iam pretty sure the more o2 provided at the root zone,the faster plants will grow,the healther they will remain and the more overall weight they will yield at harvest time.thats why we use mediums that porous and aerated.(i like hygromite). coco holds...
  17. ShoAL paTroL

    Is Co2 for outdoors good?

    but up where he's talking about people run genarators 24hrs a day.100's of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u u dont even want to know what & how some of this chuck is grown..u would cry if u knew how much damage has been done to once mighty redwoods just so people can get high.
  18. ShoAL paTroL

    Is Co2 for outdoors good?

    lol...sorry, but how would that work bra...come on now u dont need it outside
  19. ShoAL paTroL

    Experienced growers wanted!?!

    850 seams kinda low but iam not 100% on the rates for soil.i flower starting around 1200 ppm which to some is high,to me just average.i go up around 150 to 200 ppm each week till i hit about 1600ppm(pumping that shit)i peak at 5-6 weeks then at 7 i drop down to 1000and by wk 8 and so on till...
  20. ShoAL paTroL

    Experienced growers wanted!?!

    overwatering and maybe some burning from nutes.oceans is really hot a flush...and check ur ph & a tds (ppm)u cant go off just what the bottle says to mix.if u bring ur ppm up to high to fast ull burn