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  1. mrdrywall

    Grow Room Setup

    nice norcali, thats similar to my room,14x12 with a4x12 table only 3 1000w hps though,holds about 36 girls gonna move to a bigger room soon and add more is short so had to take 2 pics.between me and norcali u should be able to get a good idea how to get started.the more room the...
  2. mrdrywall

    Grow Room Setup

    this is my veg set up its a litle differant now but not much just tweeked it a bit.i use t8 for all veg and have great results. i too grow in soil,will probably switch to hydro in the next yr or so but its a great way to get for your lights id get started with only 1 or 2 1000w hps...
  3. mrdrywall

    Ready to flower?

    oh yea,agree with green army nice lookin plants so far
  4. mrdrywall

    Ready to flower?

    its all up to u,i flower mine at a foot tall or there abouts.u can flower em from the first couple leaf sets.r those 5 gallon buckets? flowering indoors? if so its kind of a waste to have that big of a pot and flower now, could get away with half that size with a short veg time.evry body does...
  5. mrdrywall

    power outage need help

    too late iwas leanin towards leavin em dark but had to make a decision fast so i went with first response ,had my laptop at wendys tryin to post this thread so i could get a few answers before i got home and pricks have a block on all the weed sites on their wifi,porn too checked just for the...
  6. mrdrywall

    power outage need help

    cool, over 2 and 1/2 yrs havnt had that happen.have like 20 or so brand new to flower and not even sexed yet. ill b havin nightmares of balls poppin out everywhere from stressin em so young
  7. mrdrywall

    1 month old plants not growing at all..

    dude i dont know exactly what is wrong but i do know from experiance that the more good shit u start with the better off u wil b.soil is very important. to begin with why when u r only growing 2 girls would u use the cheapest bag of shit soil u could find?second plants that young do not need to...
  8. mrdrywall

    power outage need help

    flower room lights were on for an hour and 15 min. this morn then power went out for 4 hrs. 5 by the time i can get a response to this post, the question is that i have 5 and 1/2 hrs left of the lights on cycle for the day, should i turn em on or leave them off till next lights on tomorrow 530...
  9. mrdrywall

    1 month old plants not growing at all..

    mean but toooo fuckin funny!!!
  10. mrdrywall


    no, get some fox farm ocean forest you will be a lot better off,start off with goodshit
  11. mrdrywall

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    my bad that first pic was taken during flower about a month or so in, trimmed and gone now with no finish pics, all brand new girls on there now. definatelygonna post when i start pullin this grow
  12. mrdrywall

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    forgot about this thread-damn ,just harvested a bunch of great buds should get a few decentones outta the next batch
  13. mrdrywall

    10 days from harvest and no cloudy trichomes in sight

    i dont count days i see my girls at least 3 times a day after awhile u know when they r gettin close and its time to pull out the microscope
  14. mrdrywall

    Pics of your Pets thread :)

    kinda small took em with my phone,dont know how to get em bigger,any help appreciated. in the folder on computer they r huge
  15. mrdrywall

    Pics of your Pets thread :)

    my boy helpin me trim up a few
  16. mrdrywall

    10 days from harvest and no cloudy trichomes in sight

    no doubt,cant see him curing a day let alone waiting the 2 wks its gonna take that girl to finish
  17. mrdrywall

    T5's ???????????

    t5 is great 4 veggin,best thing out there right now
  18. mrdrywall

    40 plants per havest? with 2400W of power- all organic

    this is only 36 girls after 6 wk veg,room is only 14 ft so i couldnt get em all in but u can get an idea,table is 4x12
  19. mrdrywall

    40 plants per havest? with 2400W of power- all organic

    thats a lot of veg time for that many plants under just 2 lights,small pots also,i have 3 1000w hps for flower ,12girls under each ,6 wks veg,after 2 wks of flower there is no room left, they get huge ,too big acually i should only have nine under 1 basically if u want that many plants...