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  1. dum

    wealth distribution

    This brings up a question that has troubled me for a long time. Is it fair that smarter people make more money?
  2. dum

    being a democrate?

    I getting tired of your dogmatic disposition you were a little slow on derision
  3. dum

    The Importance of Voting

    when you say dubfunk are you talking to me?
  4. dum

    The Importance of Voting

    People are greedy, money=power in capiralism. Look where a lack of gavernment regulation has gotten the economy. If we had a smaller government you could kiss the cops, highways, schools, parks, national parks, firemen, foreign trade, an army (I'm opposed to the war in Iraq but an army is...
  5. dum

    this doesnt look good for Obama

    yeah, through chaos.
  6. dum

    The Importance of Voting

    Your right, that was a pretty bad reference, I was referring to how the pigs power just kept going up and up and up. Once Snowball was gone and the animals were completely under the control of Napoleon, he could do whatever he wanted which alway benefited him and the other pigs. Take the...
  7. dum

    this doesnt look good for Obama

    I don't know the hospital that I was born in, and I sure as hell wouldn't know the hospital my brother was born in. On the current subject I would like to say that it doesn't seem to matter to you that EVERY economic expert says that it's a bad idea to return the gold standard.
  8. dum

    wealth distribution

    Isn't it bad to just let your debt accumulate?
  9. dum

    being a democrate?

    It's almost like your in denial.
  10. dum

    Any other alternative to c02 besides yeast?????

    What about a camping propane burner (I need to raise the temps too) or is the risk of fire just to great.
  11. dum

    Newb to Hydropnics, continual harvest, Pics

    Pics are coming soon I hope. It's 50 degrees in there right now. The heater just usese to many watts even when the 400 mh is off. I've thought about bringing in one of my camping propane burners but I'm just too afraid of starting a fire, getting caught and having nowhere to live because I...
  12. dum

    being a democrate?

    I just gave him 10 minutes on youtube. He demonstrated a severe misunderstanding of the problem and the solution of the current economic crisis. I wouldn't vote for him and I don't know what you see in him.
  13. dum

    wealth distribution

    I also think that it is being over looked that a redistribution of wealth isn't taking nearly all the earnings, it's taking some. Also I bet you did make that homeless guy pretty happy. by the way, if you stop giving money to the poor that isn't going to convince them to try and make their...
  14. dum

    wealth distribution

    when I talk about redistribution of wealth I'm talking about raising taxes for those people that are so rich that they can live off the intrest of all the money they have (well thats an exageration). The waiter was pissed because the homeless guy was is just going to go waist the money on...
  15. dum

    this doesnt look good for Obama

    How would he be born in Kenya? obamas dad MET his mom in the states. What kind of backwords logic is this?
  16. dum

    Caribou Barbie..Buck's $$$$$

    No. trust me, no.
  17. dum

    I come off as pro mccain?oops.

    good guy and smart is comletley relevant while having a beer ins't at all. I don't know what you have against Obama
  18. dum

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Thats hilarius, that mad me laught fo 90 seconds ( alot really) thast like a riddle
  19. dum

    The Importance of Voting

    I know, thats why it's a hypothetical statement. See the "would" in the middle. not do.
  20. dum

    being a democrate?

    It's not a "trickle up effect" it's more of a raising the wealth of the middle and lower class and less wealth for the upper class. I know that there should always be an upper class, I just think that they shouldn't be exempt from taxes. That's why I'm liberal at hart, because conservatives...