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  1. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    I've used the Volcano dozens of times. It's a nice Vaporizer. My Extreme is a nice vaporizer. Both vaporizers get me high, nor faster or slower than the other. Personally the only difference that stands out the most is the price tag. It just seems silly to think that the Volcano is the "One...
  2. BongJuice

    The best way to use Cannabis is once a week

    I slightly disagree. I don't believe marijuana is addicting to the point where you'll have withdrawls similar to heroin or even cocaine. I think the carefree attitude that most people get from marijuana is what people get addicted to. I like not getting all stressed out over all the little...
  3. BongJuice

    Good way to get the right christmas music going

    I don't really care for that kind of music. But the story of how they came up with their band name is really cool.
  4. BongJuice

    Do these song lyrics trip you out? & tell me its not an awesome song

    It's a nice song. Good driving music. Alot people on these boards that I have seen don't believe in Jesus. I don't give a shit either way. Those are good lyrics. You know what are also some really cool lyrics, is Rapture from Blondie. I dont like Blondie. but the lyrics to that song are...
  5. BongJuice

    Homemade Stealth Cabinet Grow Raising BF's LSD and Violator Kush

    You're wierd. I've read some crazy shit on here. But you take the cake. You're too wierd to appreciate my advice.
  6. BongJuice

    Clones keep dting what am I doing wrong ?

    You have to keep the temps around 80 degrees. The humidity has to be close to 100%. If your temps and humidity were fine then the only thing I can think of is you must be doing something wrong when your cutting them off the mom. How much time does it take you to cut it off the mom till you...
  7. BongJuice

    Is 1 gram per watt possible without CO2

    In order to get 1 gram per watt. You'd have to do everything to perfection. I used a 600 watt when I grew. I never got what it figures out to be. Which is like 1.3 pounds. That's like 20 ounces. I got around 12-16 ounces. Due to growing the style I was growing. I grew hydroponically for a...
  8. BongJuice

    Cheap N' Easy CO2

    Honestly, the cheapest way to emit Co2 is to just simply breathe on your plants. But who's gonna sit there and do that everyday for 8 weeks. That's insane. Before you start buying into any crazy scheme of ways to emit Co2 cheaply. Get a Ppm meter to see how much atmospheric Co2 you actually...
  9. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    That actually made me give up a half smile. I'm super baked right now. Got me some Bubblegum kush today. Mmm Yummy...:weed:
  10. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    Thank you for making my point.
  11. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    But, everything you say here is theory. 8-)
  12. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    You could say that exact same thing to just about anything. I'll use coffee makers as an example. We all know that there are hundreds of different kinds of coffee makers out there, and they all basically function the same way. It perks hot water through ground up coffee beans. So going on...
  13. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    I'm also really baked. Think i'm gonna put some mood music on and kick back with the dogs.
  14. BongJuice

    holy shit this is to funny!!!

    I think "Camel Toads" would be a cool band name.
  15. BongJuice

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    You already know my feelings on this.
  16. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    My friend has one that kinda like the one your describing. I think he paid like 100 or something for it. It does the job, it get's you high. There's nothing fancy about it. But that's like one of Jack Johnson's songs. I think it's Gone, gone, gone. Look at all those fancy clothes, But...
  17. BongJuice

    Anybody here like hot sauce?

    I love hot sauce. I put it on just about anything.
  18. BongJuice

    This is what good smoke is going for where I live

    Weed tastes better when I pay 4oo a Z for it. 8-)
  19. BongJuice

    Does my friend smoke

    It's like one of those things, if he does, he does. If he doesn't, he doesn't. What difference does it make? It's not like it's illegal.....8-)
  20. BongJuice

    Does anyone here not do drugs?

    Life would be awfully difficult without weed.