Search results

  1. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    Honestly... If there wasn't a remote, it would be huge pain in the ass. The LCD display and buttons on V-Tower are quite small. I've only done it once manually and it's very difficult. The remote buttons are big and like that because my hands are huge. Plus, it has temperature controls, and...
  2. BongJuice

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    I've had my V-Tower Extreme now for a little over a year now. I'm still impressed by all the little gadgets it comes with. The fact that it's digital and it has a remote control is just a couple of the features I love. When I bought it, it was only $300. I have no idea how much they go for...
  3. BongJuice

    Switching from DWC to Soil?

    I was so happy the day I switched from hydro to soil. No more changing out resevoirs. No more pumps No more aerators Alot less cleaning Alot less problems I grew hydro for a long time, I got tired of all the maintenance. Plus always having to check everyday if your pumps and timers are...
  4. BongJuice

    Just harvested my Grand Daddy Purple

    I still haven't taken the pics. :mrgreen: I'm such a lazy bastard. I'll be doing some transplanting and cloning this evening, maybe I'll remember to bring my camera this time.
  5. BongJuice

    Growing outdoors is a pain in the ass.

    Thanks for the suggestions. But I don't think I'll be growing in this location next season. For harvest time, I'll just take my canoe and go that route.
  6. BongJuice

    A Stoners Career

    I'm too high right now to even give a shit to whatever the hell your talking about. Because, your the one who got caught with his foot in his mouth.
  7. BongJuice

    A Stoners Career

    I was attacking the comment made that, "Only Real Men" do hard work. And anyone that doesn't do it is a pussy. That's a crock of shit. Not everyone can be a coal miner. and Not everyone can go to college and get a job where you have to make decisions all day. But a hard days work is a hard days...
  8. BongJuice

    Was Jesus a stoner?

    These are the threads I love reading the most. :mrgreen: You people don't have the slightest clue as to what your talking about. :mrgreen:
  9. BongJuice

    A Stoners Career

    I must of hit a nerve. :grin: Anybody who takes that much time to rebuttal on what I've posted has got some serious insecurity problems. Go ahead, be a coal miner. We need ditch diggers too. :mrgreen: While I'm sitting in my cozy little office taking 2 hour lunch breaks, working bankers...
  10. BongJuice

    Just harvested my Grand Daddy Purple

    I'll be doing some work in the grow room tonight. So I'll take some pics then and load them up ASAP.
  11. BongJuice


    Sounds like you've been watching that show, Marijuana Inc. Inside America's Pot Industry on CNBC.
  12. BongJuice

    what computer games do you play when your high

    None. Video games are for the weak.
  13. BongJuice

    RIU seems like its turning into others now..

    It's the same crap that has been going as long as I can remember. People that aren't smart enough to give good adivice usually crack jokes, make fun of, or make silly remarks. It'll never change. Or it could also mean that most of the people on here are kids, (21 and under). Kids that are...
  14. BongJuice

    A Stoners Career

    Hard work for real men?? Are you friggin kidding me?? Hard work is usually for the dumb asses and degenerates who were to stupid to go or finish college. Plus, a hard working job is not the type of job you can retire on. Chicks might of been into it 20-30 years ago when you were able to...
  15. BongJuice

    Just harvested my Grand Daddy Purple

    I'll be loading the pics as soon as I get around to it. What can I say... I'm a stoner. :mrgreen:
  16. BongJuice


    Nope, I never have. But I'm the type of person you don't wanna piss off. I'll put a reign of terror on your ass that you've never seen before. I'm a thinker, I think up the most rotten shit to do to people. But I'm also the nicest guy you'll ever meet also. I'll help you out when your in...
  17. BongJuice

    A Stoners Career

    If I knew, I wouldn't tell you. I'd be doing it. :mrgreen:
  18. BongJuice


    If apartment living was so great, nobody would own their own home. But apartment living sucks. Everybody is into everyone elses shit. Make peace with the bitch or just ignore her until your lease is up. Or see if your landlord has another apartment that you can transfer your lease too.
  19. BongJuice

    Just harvested my Grand Daddy Purple

    When I vegg. From the time I take the cutting off the mother and actually put it into flower is only 1 month. The cuttings usually take a week to ten days in my cloning machine to form long enough roots so I can plant them. Then I directly put them into my vegg cabinet for approx. 2-3 weeks. Or...
  20. BongJuice

    Any one ever smoke your leaves.(the leaves not the budd)

    I make hash with the leaves. It's a very simple process. But a little time consuming. All you need is: A bucket A large clear jug or bucket A very fine strainer A tube that can be used as a siphon. Wax Paper A large plate A heat lamp An electric mixer Ice and water. Fill up the the bucket...