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  1. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    I can tell that you and I are alot alike when it comes to growing. We're both very passionate in what we've seen and done. And when a difference of opinion comes rolling along we stick to our guns and hold our own. Not that it would ever happen. But it would be interesting to see if you, me...
  2. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    My sentiments exactly.
  3. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    My source is years of knowledge. I can sit here and post pics and journals and it still won't make any difference. I know I'm right. That's all that matters anyways. It's not like you or anybody has a hand in my grows.
  4. BongJuice

    sumthings wrong, can u all help?+rep

    I agree. bongsmilie
  5. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    That pic tells me nothing. That could very well be what THC was made before seeds started to develope. The plant stops putting all of it's energy into making THC when seeds are developing. ***Maybe THC doesn't stop producing entirely over the rest of the plant*** But it does in the affected...
  6. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    You pissed me off. Your in my bitch book. Kid... Huh....I'm probably twice your age.
  7. BongJuice

    <<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

    This has got to be the dumbest fucken advice I've ever heard. When seeds are developing, THC production comes to a screeching halt. If there are seeds found on a bud. It's by no means high grade. If you pick the seeds out, it's gonna make the bud look airy.
  8. BongJuice

    AK-47, Serious Seeds Soil Grown-HELP!!

    Your one of the typical assholes on this web site that makes everyone's time here miserable. This wasn't your thread to begin with. Mind your own fucken business. My initial post is the best fucken advice anyone could of givin him on when to harvest his plants. There are too many jack...
  9. BongJuice

    AK-47, Serious Seeds Soil Grown-HELP!!

    Your quote is pure bullshit. I grew for years without a TDS meter.
  10. BongJuice

    AK-47, Serious Seeds Soil Grown-HELP!!

    It's not harsh. I don't need to explain myself to you. Stop policing. I'm practicing my first ammendment.
  11. BongJuice

    CFL Burnt Bud Tip

    You killed it dude. You gotta start all over. J/K Just leave it alone. Plants go through much more trauma than a burnt bud tip.
  12. BongJuice

    sumthings wrong, can u all help?+rep

    Your're right, your plants look like shit. I have no idea why. Have you been keeping a log to kinda pin point what went wrong? Sorry dude I need more details. Are you giving your plants proper air exchange? What are your temps? What's your Ph like? How much humidity is in the room? What exactly...
  13. BongJuice

    AK-47, Serious Seeds Soil Grown-HELP!!

    Don't listen to these jack asses on here. Get yourself a pocket microscope 100X, and look at the trichinomes. That's the only way to know when to harvest.
  14. BongJuice

    what can i do?

    As long as the male pollen sacks didn't crack open, your fine.
  15. BongJuice

    Experieced Help ....please what should i do

    Don't do a damn thing. Let your bitch do what it was born to do.
  16. BongJuice

    how much do?

    The last 2 weeks of bloom I feed with just plain ol' ph adjusted water. Afterwards, my plants go into a tent with the lights off for a few days.
  17. BongJuice

    My best find this summer! check it out!

    That nugg is probably from my harvest. Your bud looks identical. :weed:
  18. BongJuice

    Need suggestions for my grow!

    Here's what I'm reading: You don't want to go to prison for buying weed. You live with your mom. She's cool with smokin, but not growin. You want to grow a small plant. I'm guessing in a place in your mom's house that she doesn't know about. You want a small plant. You germinated already. I...
  19. BongJuice

    World's Dumbest Growing Advice

    People say alot of things on these boards and I think 95% of the bullshit said on here is mainly to just get a little attention. But I'm a firm believer of the Ol' saying. "Stupid is as stupid does"
  20. BongJuice

    Soil Runoff pH, Flushing to correct lockouts- Why and how to do it!

    Yea, that's funny how you went in and edited it to add that it was quoted, After I mentioned that you got it off of