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  1. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    Harvest finished! Two untouched plants - 7oz and 8oz Two topped (twice each) plants - 11oz and 10oz Two FIM (twice each) plants - 8oz both I'm pretty sure I fucked up the FIM :( anyway, total harvest (wet but trimmed) 52oz. I'm hoping for between 13 and 17oz dried, or between 0.5 and 0.8...
  2. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    started my harvest last night. Possibly a little early. There was an issue with my microscope order but my landlord has to come do a gas safety check SOON so they had to come down. The look about ready. I prefer high to stoned anyway :) so far I've done two of six and got 17ounces wet, which...
  3. C

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    he runs the water fast enough so that air diffusers aren't needed. Heath, how do you think your yield would of differed if you'd used less plants? I want to do a system that will be pretty much the same, the only differences being - 1 plant per side per level (8 sides, 4 levels) large gauge (I...
  4. C

    Environmental control

    any suggestions???
  5. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    Not ideal... better than no support should they need it
  6. C

    Free Grow Software!

    awesome software! I'm curious about what sensors work with it though? 1215 posts is A LOT to read through!
  7. C

    Environmental control

    the £1000 is just for controllers (and a CO2 regulator if I use CO2) the lights, room build etc aren't included
  8. C

    Environmental control

    ideally less that £1000
  9. C

    can someone confirm these problems please?

    15 days into flower. The tiger bloom has most things needed so I'm sort of edging towards pH lock out???
  10. C

    Environmental control

    I want to automate my grow and was looking for suggestions on the following Heat/humidity controllers (possibly to control an exhaust fan for the grow room and a separate fan for the cool tube) CO2 controller. I want a system where I can up the CO2 enough to kill any nasties, so no...
  11. C

    can someone confirm these problems please?

    mostly at the bottom. Any light touch and they just come off. It's only on the large fan leaves, everything else looks perfect. the leaf which looks to me like calcium is from towards the top. I plan to take samples of soil, water and mixed nutrient solution to work with me on thursday so I can...
  12. C

    can someone confirm these problems please?

    sick plants! looks like nitrogen deficiency mainly. Wondering if this is normal in the large fan leaves during flowering? Some of them are dropping off. One of the leaves looks like either calcium or boron. Personally I'd go with calcium. Using fox farm nutes and I can't check pH until I'm in...
  13. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    sick plants! looks like nitrogen deficiency mainly. Wondering if this is normal in the large fan leaves during flowering? Some of them are dropping off. The one leaf looks like either calcium or boron. Personally I'd go with calcium. Using fox farm nutes and I can't check pH until I'm in work...
  14. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    Added my screen today. I know it's not ideal to do it so late! As pointed out by Mr G row it wouldn't of worked to do the scrog before I had sexed the plants. I'll upload some pictures soon, once the plants have adjusted to the screen
  15. C

    Scrog vs LST

    on my next grow I plan to scrog (lst) and top my plants (hst) to help fill out the screen. From what I understand scrog is basically the most effective and complete form of LST
  16. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    also, I forgot to mention about my venture into FIM and topping. I figure I must of FIM'ed wrong because I've had 0 luck. The plants have come off large and healthy but, only 1 main growing point! Topping - great!!! The plants that got topped had it twice (once to the top then...
  17. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    Just sexed them. I had two which looked male - now dead! The other 6 are either female or hermie. They look good though, so I'm confident. So now I'm down to 6 plants from 10. 1 didn't germinate, 1 died young and two males. I've discarded a further two clones (which are all label so I know...
  18. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    Just put them into flower. They look healthy to me. I think the pots are too small, however until I weed out some of them there isn't much room for larger pots (only intended for four plants). I'm getting the screen ready more as something to tie supporting lines from incase the plants start to...
  19. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    The results on the topping, fim'ing are still out. I can see a big difference in the topped plants, but as to which is best I'll see when they go to flower. Just regular compost this time round. Will be using better stuff once I've got the mother plant set up etc. I got some regular nutes at the...
  20. C

    First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow

    The ones at the back have been topped, middle two untouched and the front 3 have been fim'ed. Any suggestions on the problem with the bottom leaves on the plant at the back?