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  1. ScrogThis

    herro. no vent needed idea

    Easy as can be brother. Go to your breaker panel and see if you have any open spots for additional breakers if its full then game over. If you do have some open slots take a look at the sticker on the inside of the panel door, and check the capacity of the panel. Add up all your existing...
  2. ScrogThis

    Heat stress problems?

    Slightly, yes.
  3. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    NICE nunotmp! Great job training and those buds... wow!
  4. ScrogThis

    Poorman's chiller

    Quick question; did you manage to disassemble the fridge w/o losing the freon or did you have to refill it?
  5. ScrogThis

    Poorman's chiller

    Nice! Probably works better than the weird contraption I'm building... thanks! +rep
  6. ScrogThis

    Heat stress problems?

    Any amount of additional CO2 is beneficial, a/c systems are actually closed systems and will provide cooling (which will help) but not much fresh air though in practice they are seldom "really" sealed. I use 4x 1gallon sugar/yeast CO2 generators to increase CO2 concentration to 1200-1800ppm...
  7. ScrogThis

    herro. no vent needed idea

    I'm semi-literate regarding electrical issues (was a marine electrician for many years) and I'll try to help. The number of sockets is insignificant, it boils down to total load on the circuit. If the circuit is 15 amp that's all you can pull as it's protected from current overload by the...
  8. ScrogThis

    herro. no vent needed idea

    I thought he was just talking about some 'shrooms and weed as opposed to an entire ecosystem, my bad. :bigjoint:
  9. ScrogThis

    cloning with spidermites

    I don't see why not so long as you wash it thoroughly to remove them from the plant/cuttings. Hardy little bastards though, be careful not to re-infest the clones or there's not much point. Make sure the entire area has been cleaned and is/remains bug-free, dispose of the soil completely. Watch...
  10. ScrogThis

    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    A pic of the mom-in-training and a little bud porn.... :weed:
  11. ScrogThis

    herro. no vent needed idea

    IMHO sounds like perpetual motion, plants can't produce O2 or CO2 from nothing, in a sealed room once the initial gases are depleted what would be the fuel source? (just theoretical, obviously you'd have to break the seal to tend the plants) I don't believe the two are all that compatible in...
  12. ScrogThis

    Heat stress problems?

    As a temporary solution increase the CO2 concentration to allow the plants to better tolerate the heat (temps up to the mid 90's), a simple sugar/yeast generator should do the trick but you'll need more than the single 2 liter bottle setup. Added benefit is faster growth and (typically) shorter...
  13. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    A good starting place is ~50W/sq. ft. HPS lights tend to get pretty hot, factor cooling as well. edit: should have mentioned light intensity (lumens) also, opinions vary widely but I like to shoot for at least 7000/sq. ft.
  14. ScrogThis

    What do i do??

    Agree jawbrodt! Else... you're not feeding these babies any nutes right? They look nearly burnt to a crisp, at this stage no more than 1-1-1 1/4 strength and maybe one (light) foliar feeding of pH balanced water and 1/4 strength calcium/magnesium supplement if any. If this is the case, flush...
  15. ScrogThis

    Please help diagnose my plant problems!

    Many reasons one might mature faster, couldn't really speak to that but the new growth looks fine, nothing abnormal about it that I can see in the pics. Here's a couple of pics for comparison (the crap on the leaves on the small plant is sawdust).
  16. ScrogThis

    Help needed ASAP

    Separate reservoirs? Check the pH of the affected one, the algae could result in a more alkaline solution and possibly induce nute lock-out. You need to get rid of the algae regardless of course as it will clog pumps, filters, air lines, etc. Below is a pic I got from somewhere (maybe here)...
  17. ScrogThis

    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    Not much has changed in two days, the training was apparently more traumatic for me than the girls... here are a couple of pics showing they just keep making pretty flowers.
  18. ScrogThis

    Help needed ASAP

    I don't know really, on my 1st hydro setup, always did soil/soil-less before though I would speculate algae might reduce available O2 and would likely affect pH. If all the units feed from one reservoir that's unlikely though... How do your roots look? Same color and such as the other units?
  19. ScrogThis

    Help needed ASAP

    Not certain but looks to me like a phosphorus (P) deficiency. Make sure pH is below 7 but above 5.5 (I can't tell if you're using soil/soil -less or hydro, adjust pH accordingly in that range) If you have an excess of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) they can make phosphates unavailable. Hope that helps.
  20. ScrogThis

    PLEASE HELP!!! Do I have mites?? My time is limited!!!

    Neem oil mixed w/ peppermint oil or cinnamon oil works pretty well, make sure to spray the underside of the leaves and continue treatment every 2-3 days as the eggs hatch (about two weeks). I've heard this recipe works but I have not tried it and I can't recall where I got it from, sounds good...