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  1. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    Your sarcasm made me laugh and i thank you for that haha
  2. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    Thanks for the advice about the pH stuff and everything else, much appreciated. I'll probably just topdress the soil and give them a good feeding. Thank you for your help.
  3. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    I read on other threads that the pH could be the cause of the pinched leaves due to nutrient lock out, so I'm a little nervous on feeding because I don't want to end up with a salt build up. My run off has been 7 to 7.2 and it goes in 6.5 to 6.8 . Could the run off being that high cause a...
  4. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    I only use it as a foliar spray not to water, but I have read some threads that say it is fine to water with it but seems risky.
  5. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    You use it as a foliar spray or water it with it. Both ways the plant processes the co2.
  6. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    Carbonated water is a substitute for co2 tanks. Just carbonated water, no sodium.
  7. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    I've read other threads that suggest the pinching deformation could be cause from nutrient lock out from pH fluctuation.
  8. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    Indoor FFOF soil, Dyna Gro nutes 1ml per gal, ph goes in 6.5 to 6.8 and the runoff was 7.1 today that i checked, the pots are 3.5 gal. Iv searched for bugs thoroughly and i can't find anything. I use a neem oil and dish soap spray every 2 or 3 weeks. Some of the damage on the leaves could of...
  9. H

    Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)

    Recently I've been having quite a few problems with my ladies. They are 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and overall the plants look preety fine just there are some leaves here and there that are showing a lot of problems. Some of the leaves i have on all four of my plants are deformed. By deformed i...
  10. H

    Need help on diagnosis. Heat stress possibly? (PICS)

    Will do as well as water more
  11. H

    Need help on diagnosis. Heat stress possibly? (PICS)

    I watered them today and there was no run off.
  12. H

    Need help on diagnosis. Heat stress possibly? (PICS)

    The fan leaves on two of my plants are curled in and have a rough texture and the tips of some smaller leaves are dry shriveled and black and some leaves look completely healthy. They are in FFOF soil under a 150w hps using dyna gro nutrients every other water at 1/2 strength and they are...
  13. H

    A little concerned about one of my plants, any input is greatly appreciated. (pics)

    I fed it for the first time today before i noticed the spots. The recommended ratios were 1/4 tps to 1/2 tps per gallon and i used a little less than an 1/8 per gallon.
  14. H

    A little concerned about one of my plants, any input is greatly appreciated. (pics)

    The plant overall looks very healthy just a little concerned about those spots because if it is the beginning of a problem i would like to treat it as soon as possible .
  15. H

    A little concerned about one of my plants, any input is greatly appreciated. (pics)

    The plant is 3 week 1 day old in FFOF soil under a 125w cfl for the veg stage. Today i noticed some spots on the top of the leaves, don't know what caused it or how severe of a problem it is and of course i do not know how to fix it. Here are the spots. There are also some yellowish white...
  16. H

    Please help don't know what to do with damaged or shocked plant.

    Can't really really see the purple but its there and in the same place on the set of leaves beneath are red.
  17. H

    Please help don't know what to do with damaged or shocked plant.

    This is what it looked like at first (different plant)
  18. H

    Please help don't know what to do with damaged or shocked plant.

    The previous bucket it was in had FFOF and the new bucket has the same, No nutes. After transplanting them i saw a little bit off root structure left behind from the plant that isn't looking good, but not a large amount of roots were torn off. Could just a small amount of the roots being torn...