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  1. Ghostriding666

    Big Bud and Dutch Passion Mazar 7 WEEKS FLOWERING.

    Alrite mate, i was just looking through your pics and thought i'd drop you a line to say nice job. They look like they would be a good smoke i'm halfway through my first grow and if they come out looking like that i'll be a happy chappy. Keep it up bro!
  2. Ghostriding666

    Here we grow...

    hey, hows it going. i've just been checking your photos out. i'd like to give you my opinion but as i'm only on my first grow myself i'm still learning and finding my feet a little. i'm 4 weeks into flowering my little ladies and looking at your photos i'd say all looks good at the minute, they...
  3. Ghostriding666

    My first grow was going really good until...........

    Oh man, i feel for you i really do. I'm also 4 weeks into the flowering stage on my first ever grow and i can't imagine the pain you must have felt but i suppose there was not a lot you could do. After the amount of money and man hours put in i bet you cried for days, i know i would. Get another...
  4. Ghostriding666

    First pics of my Purple Kush

    Alrite pal, i've just been checking your pics out and just thought i'd say nice work. i'm 2 weeks into my first grow and can't wait for them to get as big as yours.
  5. Ghostriding666

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    hi danthebull nice thread by the way, your growroom looks sweet, in fact it looks the dogs dangelys pal !!!!! i should hopefully start my first ever grow this week and i'm also using canna. i'm going for a modest 8 pots which is nothing compared to your 22 but i just thought i'd congratulate you...
  6. Ghostriding666

    Welcome New Members!

    i've just registered after taking the advice of a friend and i can't believe how good this site is. I'll be honest i havn't got much of an idea about growing tomatos but i've been reading up on it all here and i've almost got my room up and running. No doubt i will need the wisdom of all the...