Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?


Just spent the last 3 hours reading your thread from start to finish. I have recently started my first growing adventure using a grow tent and 400 watt HPS. I'm a little smaller scale than what you have going on, but still taking the same approach of doing it right the first time. I got a lot of good ideas from everyone who contributed and a big shoutout to Jondamon for the great advice. Let's grow together! Keep it up Dan!


Well-Known Member
Just spent the last 3 hours reading your thread from start to finish. I have recently started my first growing adventure using a grow tent and 400 watt HPS. I'm a little smaller scale than what you have going on, but still taking the same approach of doing it right the first time. I got a lot of good ideas from everyone who contributed and a big shoutout to Jondamon for the great advice. Let's grow together! Keep it up Dan!
Nice 1 pal. Its a great read i think, Jon is a top lad, helped me more than i can thank him forkiss-ass

And let me be the first to give you +rep for reading the whole thread....

Stick around mate. And im sure if you have any Q this site will help you no end.....

Also let me know what your planning, im always interested.....

Big Dan aka Tarzan..... of my jungle of course..........lol:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey tarzan

it works both ways.. you've helped me out too..

found nothing today when they were posing for the camera. hot shots kick ass lol.



Well-Known Member
hey tarzan

it works both ways.. you've helped me out too..

found nothing today when they were posing for the camera. hot shots kick ass lol.

Its good shit in it!!!!! im never going to grow without HOT SHOTS in my grow area... That and the SPINOSAD. next grow it will be in for the duration......


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna bag it after the girls are ready. then sulfur candle the room clean down add my new vents refit the light into a more even position and start my experiment .



Well-Known Member
I just saw your post on my first indoor growroom thread, i finished them on december the 15th. Pulled about 17 onces of cured bud. They were grown in 7.5 litre buckets, they wernt rootbound at all witch really surprised me. Im growing 5 the church, 2 unknown haze sativas, 1 cheese and a kings kush. Im starting a prior to harvest thread in about 2 - 3 weeks witch will follow up to the end with a dried harvest weight. Im to lazy to do a entire grow thread again. i pussyed out of the last one because a few people on here got busted. Thats what happens when you tell every tom dick and harry. peace
hi danthebull nice thread by the way, your growroom looks sweet, in fact it looks the dogs dangelys pal !!!!! i should hopefully start my first ever grow this week and i'm also using canna. i'm going for a modest 8 pots which is nothing compared to your 22 but i just thought i'd congratulate you on a cracking setup. i hope all goes well


Well-Known Member
hi danthebull nice thread by the way, your growroom looks sweet, in fact it looks the dogs dangelys pal !!!!! i should hopefully start my first ever grow this week and i'm also using canna. i'm going for a modest 8 pots which is nothing compared to your 22 but i just thought i'd congratulate you on a cracking setup. i hope all goes well
Hey pal. Thank's mate. Im sure your's 8 will be the mut's nut's if your using COCO and CANNA product's. Do you have Rhizotonic??? this stuff makes your plant's grow there root system at an incredible rate.... I have 24 plant's... 8 X armageddon 8 X white russian and 8 X PPP.

Any idea what strains of weed your going to grow??? `And are you starting from seed or clone???

Im going to get some BBC next, its a high yielder and a lovely smooth smoke...



Well-Known Member
Hi all. Wow the new RIU look's good don't it!!!
Have to find my bearing's all over again....lol

Update tomorrow. There looking good. New light going up today. and i may add the last 2 cfl at the weekend...

Peace Dan


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Wow the new RIU look's good don't it!!!
Have to find my bearing's all over again....lol

Update tomorrow. There looking good. New light going up today. and i may add the last 2 cfl at the weekend...

Peace Dan
I like it, they just need to iron the bugs out. Looking forward to the update :peace:


Well-Known Member
BAH!! I hate the new RIU colors suck cant find my shit BAH!! sure ill get used to it and maybe just maybe they will change the colors lol


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.

Its day 34 flower..

So The Lady's have suffered a bit over the last couple of day's due to the AC unit not being on and the light's too low.

1/ Some of the lady's are suffering from the dreaded eagle claw.
2/ Some have suffered burnt top fan leaves. ( not too much but enough for me to concern about. ).
3/ I also think that giving a full feed has contributed to the burnt leave's.

As the AC unit was not running for reason's i cant mention im just going to say. never leave your plant's under the watchful eye of other's:wall::wall::wall:.... Especially when there stoned and can't be arsed :cuss::cuss::cuss:

Ok so what i have done so far to rectify the problem is to lift all the light's so they are about 30" from the canopy, and add another AC unit to go with the other to bring down the temp's some more....

They will be getting just plain PH6 water for the next feed. Then i'll slowly bring back the nutes at 1/4 strength, then 1/2 strength, then full.... And tomorrow there getting a dose of UMPH POWER :leaf: to replenish lost mineral's. <<<< bit like super revive...

Dispite the problem's, :sad: The Lady's have grown in bud and here are the pic's as usual.....

If anyone could help with the problem's then it would be greatly appriciated. And if you could think of any other reason's why they are burning at the tops or the eagle claw then let me know so i can fix this problem...

Thank's in advance....




Well-Known Member
1391 Makes me drool! I wish I had that kinda space. Gonna be a great first harvest bro, one of the best first grows I've ever seen I think.


Well-Known Member
1391 Makes me drool! I wish I had that kinda space. Gonna be a great first harvest bro, one of the best first grows I've ever seen I think.
Ay thanks dude!!!! yeah the bud's are starting to fill out now. Cant wait to see what they look like in a couple of week's from now.....

Some of the colas have bud sites 18" up the stems... Think it going to be special, for my first attempt.....



Active Member
Dan im not convinced its your FIRST grow as from the first pics your clones are only a week or 2 old and in your pics you have all the nutes a pro would have but the bottles are half full . During your grow you havnt had any issues at all and yo have all the gear . Everything has run really smothly for you , And having all them plants for a first atempt plus the set up you have . You have either planned this for a while or you are a experienced grower looking to get praise .


Well-Known Member
Dan im not convinced its your FIRST grow as from the first pics your clones are only a week or 2 old and in your pics you have all the nutes a pro would have but the bottles are half full . During your grow you havnt had any issues at all and yo have all the gear . Everything has run really smothly for you , And having all them plants for a first atempt plus the set up you have . You have either planned this for a while or you are a experienced grower looking to get praise .
Whatever dude. It is my FIRST grow. I have had my fair share of problem's. ( you have obviously not read through my hole thread have you!!!!! ) And im not asking for praise just help along the way and to show off what i have..... Think whatever you want pal.......

Oh and your write about 1 thing... I did plant on this for like 2 year's and did 6 month's of research before i started. Research is the key to growing is it not.... I also saved up my pennies so i could afford all the nute's and light's etc etc...

What a stupid post to put on my thread........

