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  1. murderdude

    Stopped growing 4 weeks into 8 week flower, still hasn't started

    Here's my grow journal So I'm thinking it's locked up, what do? If the ph is 5.8 always no matter how many times i water the buckets, does that mean it's nutrient locked?
  2. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    I add water every day and it always stays at 5.8 ph, does that mean it's locked up??
  3. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Dang so they STILL havent grown in like 2 weeks, what gives??? Does anybody know?? The ppms are at like 1200 and the ph is 5.8!!
  4. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Yeah supersoil sounds awesome, good luck with that! And my crops are actually sweet cheese, which is a cross of blackjack and cheese. Definitely 70% sativa dominant. Smoked half way it was pretty grassy, I think mostly cbg? Still heavy head high. The smell right now is very ripe cheese with...
  5. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    I know it's light burnt, I ran ran out of room, and I switched to a 600watt digital ballast in the beginning of flower, which was rough but my reasoning was that I should sacrifice a little off the top, because I have a couple tall stalks, but a TON of middle canopy bud sites. It burned quicker...
  6. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Anyone know why I don't have to ph my water any more? I phd it once last week when I did my last res change, got it down to 5.8 and since then I havent had to add any ph up or down. It's been like that most of the way through flower. I do not ph my RO water, and when I refill (which is 1~1.5gal...
  7. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Yeah plus I'll be using 600w metal halides for veg instead, just didn't have the money from the get go. Also learned that you can't go too far above the wattage of the lights you started with. I've had a verrry slow light burn on only my top leaves after switching from 250w to 600w. I vary the...
  8. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    So these pics are from Saturday the 24th (yesterday) and it seems like growth has sort of stalled. I can't tell if they're filling in any more. Trichomes just don't stop coming though, holy smokes. And the pistils are coloring in nicely. Here's Day 43 of 64 Here's some of the bud on the...
  9. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    I totally agree. I was too scared to try a scrog on my first try but honestly I would have been better off. My next plan is for 1 plant grown from seed (these were cuttings from a plant in flower, which was bogus) and I'm gonna scrog it, and use two reservoirs. Or I'm thinking about switching to...
  10. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Today is day 34 of flower for sweet cheese. I read the flower period is somewhere between 59 and 63 days.Can any experienced grower give me an estimate on the yield? I just really hope I can harvest 10oz...
  11. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Here's some tiny pics from yesterday, which was day 33. All the stores out of RO water! Had to fill up with tap /; no biggie though, res change soon. Definitely growin quick today, will post some big pics before lights-out!
  12. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Yeah I was pretty surprised, at first I thought there might be a bit of a height difference, but she stretched up nice. My next grow is just gonna be one big scrog I think, I could have better utilized my space I think
  13. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Wow so I got too medicated to take more pictures last night. Super strong and only half way there Here's day 30! Half way done. Here's some pretty pics (there's a little damage from a lack of space)
  14. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Today the oscillating fan I had for the top of the canopy fell on one of my two plants, but it's so tough it just ripped two small branches off the bottom, the rest is just bent over a bit. Plants still look great, will post pics before lights out. Also fast drying these puppies now, will...
  15. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Day 20 of flower
  16. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Day 17 flower Got the new lights installed yesterday. It runs a bit hot if I leave it at 600w, so I keep it at 75% and I'm able to maintain about 74f and a reasonable rh. Smells real nice about now :clap: Here's more from today
  17. murderdude

    My first grow ever! Sweet Cheese, DWC 3x3x7

    Hi guys, it's been a good couple months growing. I've lost two young clones, set me back two weeks.) they started in soil, I didn't know it was a rough start to transplant to hydro). Currently I have two sweet cheese ladies growing in a 3x3x7 grow tent. I'm running two 5 gallon bucket DWC...
  18. murderdude

    What are these glassy red bumps?

    Yeah I topfed right into the plug, added a smidge to the water supply and gave them a light spritz. they're very young plants and I am considering just going through with tweezers and removing the ?larvae?. I want my money back still haha that's bologna
  19. murderdude

    What are these glassy red bumps?

    They are only on one plant and on that plant I found it on the leaves near where come together, and deep in the new baby leaves. I treated with organibliss (neem extract) not sure if that will help or not. Plant seems completely unaffected.
  20. murderdude

    What are these glassy red bumps?

    Brand new clones from earlier today!! Maybe insects? Growths? Getting no google help!