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  1. ilikebigcolas

    First grow and need help please!!!

    I was watering every 2 days and by then the soil would be dry so i started watering every day because every 2 days seemed it was to dried out. I think the heat has alot to do with it too thats why i have that fan sucking out the heat but it seemd it is not really working. I have about a week to...
  2. ilikebigcolas

    First grow and need help please!!!

    Hey guys don't mean to be a problem but I am having a little trouble with my first grow in a long time. I am growing some seeds from a dro batch that went bad. I planted the seedlings in Fox farms ocean forest with a 30%mix of pearlite (which gave each seedling bad nute burn); I also putabout an...
  3. ilikebigcolas

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Ok Im a little confuse here..Now i let my seedling get 5 - 6 nodes high and the cut the stem off just above the second node right? Does that mean the seedling goes back to being only 2 nodes high and they start to grow again? I messed up then because i thought you meant the top it when it gets...
  4. ilikebigcolas

    First Grow 28 Days Into Flowering..How Do They Look??

    This Is My First Grow Ever And Wanted To Know How They Look For 28 Days Into Flowering
  5. ilikebigcolas

    Please help....First grow

    Damn i was at the store looking for bug spray and i saw that neem oil but i did not know what it was so i past it up. I was told to get a product named Natria i dont know if i should use it though. I already lollypoped 2 weeks before flowering. Thanks for your help.
  6. ilikebigcolas

    Please help....First grow

    heres a few more pics
  7. ilikebigcolas

    Please help....First grow

    Does anyone know why the top side of the stems are purple and the bottom side white? Does anyone know what the white spots are on the fan leaves? What can i do about that bug thats chomping my leaves? Can you tell what kind of strain this plant is? Did i mess up lollypoping this plant? Sorry...
  8. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    Does anyone know why the top side of the stems are purple and the bottom side white? Does anyone know what the white spots are on the fan leaves? What can i do about that bug thats chomping my leaves? Can you tell what kind of strain this plant is? Did i mess up lollypoping this plant? Sorry...
  9. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    :cry::cry::cry::cry: Well this is what i woke up too.. BALLS!!! I really wanted both to be females:cry: my neighbor who is and old hippie had some cans of seeds. He had 47 Colombian Gold seeds and 34 Acapulco Gold seeds. I germed them all and only got 1 of each to germ. From what i was told is...
  10. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    i topped them like 4 times or 5 times..i think its because there grown outdoors they shot up but my female (the little one) did not grow as tall.
  11. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    i think i did stress them out cause the first week of flowering i had a little light leak and didnt know that was a stress factor. Plus the veg. state was not to good either
  12. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    here is a pic of them..these seeds were over 30 years old
  13. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    Yeah they had a little stress the other one is a female for sure but this one is taking longer to show signs. i hope your right and its a female
  14. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    Man i hope its not a hermie :( i do see that the pods are splitting open though
  15. ilikebigcolas

    Please help!!!!!

    Can one of you guys help me out and tell me if this is a male pre-flower or female pre flower. To me it looks like a male.....Thanks:joint: