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  1. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    I already topped them 5 times lol Would you suggest more?
  2. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    I'm just weirded out because the rest of the plant is healthy and I'm thinking its a nitrogen deficiency because if it was a lockout wouldn't other issues be showing up ?
  3. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    I used to PH Down my water but found that I was having more issues with Nute lockout as I would typically PH down to 6.5 but my runoff has been just below 5 . That was when they were just in 3 Gallon pots so it was easy to do but now they are in 20 Gallons so a bit harder. I have never flushed...
  4. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Also, is it fine to mix General Hydroponics Flora Series with Fish Emulsion and other organic fertilizers ?
  5. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    So it turns out I'm having incredible difficulty getting this nitrogen deficiency under control, I'm wondering should I be feeding every single day?,since I prune the bottom third of the leaves they're starting to eat from the fan leaves in the middle and higher up which has me really concerned...
  6. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Going to pick some up today, thanks for the advice! Also, plants look sad as shit today, you think its because of the prune they got yesterday?
  7. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Thanks Guys, pruned them up first one ever, very scary, but i hope it goes a long way, looking for quality over quantity. I'm also scared about the plan for tomorrow with the holes, looking to save on some space for the most part and keep them cool. I was thinking about digging a hole and...
  8. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Thank guys, another question should i prune some of the lower branches? Also, I was thinking about digging some holes and just placing the fabric pots in the ground to save on some height but leave some space on the outside to let fresh air that a thing or will it cause more issues ?
  9. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Are you supposed to defoliate in a soiless medium? Is it ok to do so?
  10. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Yeah they basically yellow and then turn brown and fall off everyday it's about 4 to 10 leaves I'm using the Flora series but I'm wondering if I'm under feeding them, basically I've been feeding them every other day, and I mix 1 x 5 gallon pot of water using the chart and adding Cal mag, is 5...
  11. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Any recommendations?
  12. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    So many of my bottom fan leaves are going yellow, eventually the brown and fall off. Mostly on the bottom of the grow or middle. Thinking its a N deficiency . I'm growing in 20 Gallon pots and using Pro - Mix mixed with some Perlite and Dolomite Lime and Fertilizing with General Hydroponics...
  13. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Even after my first training the main stems split open a bit where they were topped for the fist time is that normal / should I worry about it?
  14. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    I got two Blue Dreams 1 White Widow Max and 1 White Widow Skunk, growing in Ontario, Canada
  15. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Yeah they really rallied over the last few days and will for sure get another training session in soon
  16. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Thanks team, lots of learning going on just trying to soak it all in
  17. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    These girls are running wild on me , They are in 20 Gallon pots, Pro-Mix, mixed in with about 30-40% Perlite and a good mix of Dolomite lime, before they were transplanted from 3 Gallon pots I was having issues with runoff PH being around 5 or lower. I was PHing Down my 7.4 ish tap water to...
  18. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    Appreciate the advice !
  19. S

    Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

    First time grower here, and I think I got things going a bit too early. Got these girls going from seed back in march and just transplanted them last week outside into 20 Gallon pots. Obviously lots of growing to do still but I'm wondering what can be done to keep the height down. The two on the...
  20. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    Between 41 %- 52% humidity and 17 -22 Degrees so thing that's in range