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  1. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    Any idea whats going on with these top fan leaves ? They are cannoning inward and down
  2. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    The Runoff was under 5 so didn't to PH down anymore as I thought it would make the issue worse
  3. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    Thanks everyone ! I gave them a good flush last night, but didn't PH the water and just gave it out of the tap at 7.4, My runoff readings this morning, Plant #1 - PH 6.1. EC 1750 and PPM 900. Plant #2 PH 6.2 EC 1600 and PPM 750. Basically not eating anything as PPM going in was around 750 -...
  4. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    Could have just been the Dolomite Lime I sprinkled in, also if my tap water is reading 350 PPM do I really need to add Cal Mag?
  5. S

    Please Help ! First Grow Going Sideways !!!

    First ever post on any forum ever ! Glad its this one. Seen a lot of good help on here and hoping to get some guidance of my own! Please have a look at the photos and let me know what I'm dealing with, I'm thinking its a Calcium or Magnesium deficiency. I have 6 plants and 2 are showing these...