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  1. S

    do i have the right carbon filter?

    My room is 7x12x8. I have a "can 33" filter hooked up to a 6in. Max fan. I'm not exhausting it . It's just scrubbing in the room. It doesn't seem to be working.
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    is flowering time calculated ....

    I know this is a very common question but do you find the buds put on alot of weight in the last 3 weeks?
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    is flowering time calculated ....

    Thx. I'm at the nerve wracking time in flowering (5 weeks) where I'm contemplating yield....
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    is flowering time calculated ....

    .....from the time you switch to 12/12 or the time you see the first flowers?
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    flushing 4 weeks into flower

    I have 16 northern lights in 3 gal pots under 1600 watts. I suspect I may have nute lockout and I want to run 2 gallons of pure water through each pot and then give nutes a couple days later. Am I gna starve them at this important stage of flowering . Supposedly this strain finishes in 8 weeks.
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    northern lights #9

    That's depressing to hear. I chose nl9 for its ease of growth and low odor. I thought it had good genetics. Which nl strain would u consider the best? Have you tried nirvana nl? Thx for your reply.
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    northern lights #9

    Anyone ever grown or smoked this strain? I've got 20 goin under 1600 watts ....I'm hoping its a potent strain.
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    sunlight question

    On cloudy days does sunlight get through and help the buds develop and grow. Obviously its not as good as full sun but does ultraviolet rays still penetrate the clouds?
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    seedlings under 24/0 light?

    I have 19 russian rocket fuel in 2 gal pots. The room is 6x3x8
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    seedlings under 24/0 light?

    My seedlings are 10 days old . First 7 days they were under flourescents. 3 days ago I put them under a 1000 watt hps. The were under 24/0 the first 7 days . The last 3 days they were under 20/4. I read that seedlings should be under 24/0. Should I put them under 24/0 or will this confuse them.?
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    grow room smells like smoke!

    Hahaha....yea ill just take my medicine on that one
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    grow room smells like smoke!

    It was the duct for sure....just talked to my friend. Let's all just disregard this post and never speak of it
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    grow room smells like smoke!

    I had a piece of metal ducting laying on top of the hood of a 1000 watt hps . Culd this have caused the smell? I know this sounds dumb. But the grow house is at my friends and I don't gave access to the house right now. He said the piece of metal ducting was very hot and he smelled the duct and...
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    bout to put seedlings in 2 gal containers****

    Hmmmm .... Yea my other grow was clones and I never started with seeds before. I feel like seedlings don't draw a lot of water so if I soak the whole container it will be wet for a long time and possibly cause fungus. My containers will have 1/3 perlite so the water will drain well though
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    bout to put seedlings in 2 gal containers****

    Hey guys. I have 20 seedlings in cups under t5 florescents. Tmrw I'm putting them in 2 gal buckets under a 1000 watt hps. Should the light distance be about 3 feet? When I water should I soak the whole container or just around the seedling?
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    seedling transplant question

    I germinated 20 seeds in root riot starter cubes. The tap root pushed through the bottom of each of the cubes. I then transplanted them to their final homes. Will this stress the plants ? Does the taproot have to adjust now? Did I wait too long to transplant the cubes?
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    my seeds just sprouted,should i start floros immediately?

    Thx for the reply. I have one t5 florescent on right now. Should I put more on?
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    my seeds just sprouted,should i start floros immediately?

    i have 20 seeds in root riot starter cubes. half just sprouted and cracked the surface today. should i immediately turn on the flourescents?
  19. S

    seedling question

    I have 20 Russian rocket fuel seeds in a root riot starter cube tray. A few of them are starting to poke out. When they all break the surface should I hammer them with t5 flourescents? I have 4 t5s. Is it possible to over do it with light on the seedlings? Wat distance should I put the t5s at...