How so BC? I ask because I was at a friends house and she was like just a couple more days and we'll know which ones are males.... my issue was they were still 4 leaf plants...much like these in this grow. How can you tell, educated guess, or lean toward one sex on the other? Thanks just...
Those Nirvana Ice look good, sub'd. Wanna see this baby through to the end. I think for being as old as they are they look amazing and wish you the same throughout the grow man.
@biglac, I have noticed that some people posts go unanswered as well...... That being said you as part of this online community have to get out there and post and communicate to get a strong network of online friends that want to see you succeed and help. Your post count says 75 with a join...
Love it, I love dogs, cats, and pretty much all animals with hair... :) We have a Papillon (+ a German Shepard, 2 cats, and Sammie the Dwarf hamster) which my wife and I LOVE, best dog ever. Congrats on the pups, look adorable!
I don't know who Finshaggy is or what he is, but the video had me rollin all the way through bongsmilie... just my .02. Internet is just entertainment to me and this shit has been very entertaining. :)
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. I'm a newbie and just thought based on other pics on here that the colas are looking rather large like a 12/12 from seed. The one week veg. explains it to me, and opens up the door to starting newer plants to flower at the same time as more mature plants...
Luigi what kind of bags are those? Do you like the smart pots (the cloth ones)?
As always looking good, do you feel good about where the plant is at right now?