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  1. TTT

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    my room is alyays really dry it gets exosted really well now i was wondering if next to no humidity is bad for my ladies. thanks for your help man. I.m a :dunce: when it comes to this art foarm I'm just learnin
  2. TTT

    how to tell if its under fertilized?

    Thanks guys. I just didnt want to get it confused with anyother diffencies as to further fuck my plant lol
  3. TTT

    how to tell if its under fertilized?

    I've learned the hard way about overfertilization, now how do ya tell if its not getting enough.Without an ec pen or anyother gadgets just by reading your plant? thanks guys
  4. TTT

    how much water to flush a plant

    I had a way better poast the first time but when I tried to post it it told me to refresh and log back in so this time I made it a little shorter but really, thanks for your help guys just a nother nubie tryin to brighten up his day!
  5. TTT

    how much water to flush a plant

    heres what i'm gonna do flush for the 20 min or so then when thats done I'm gonna throw a couple more pails of PH'ed water through it just to get it back on track as for transplanting she will just bring all the hot soil with her so I dont think that will help but I do promise to neaver use MG...
  6. TTT

    Admin Help.

    tisi is a promlem for me 2 this is what happened-I signed in was checking myriu I got some help from some nice ppl so i wrote back a short thankyou letter and described the actions that im gonna do to fix my problems when i sent it it told me to refresh the page and log in again
  7. TTT

    crappy aquarium PH kit

    cool guys thanks for you help
  8. TTT

    crappy aquarium PH kit

    I'm just starting out and i figured something is better then nothing so I got an aquarium PH test kit (PH up/down and tester kit cost me $15 bucks) the problem is its not too accruite.Ya put drops into the water sample and depending on the colour it turns you put up or down in and try to get it...
  9. TTT

    how much water to flush a plant

    its looking like i got me a problem with over fert.I.m using MG and MG soil.I know stupid right but i'm just learnin(the hard way hehehe)so the new grow tips/leaves are curling up (not downwards) and some of the big fan leaves are starting to get brown tipsso I'm gonna flush. My question is how...
  10. TTT

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    I just picked up a couple clones of the derb theyve just rooted but plan to put them out side in may june if you read in sept oct I'll let ya know how they did and if i can mother one or two i might be able to pull it off sooner insiide taker easy budz
  11. TTT

    should I top my mother

    mr green i was looking at my plant and so far all the leaves get direct light some more then others but light is directly on them.the only leaves thet dont get direct light is the new leaves on the laterals but they are still really you think i should pull some of the big fan leaves to...
  12. TTT

    paint in the grow room??

    I used primer instead of the egg shell and it works awesome.My room is way brighter now even after i tore down all that crap mylar. now i just gotta give it a second coat.Thanks for the imput budz have a good one
  13. TTT

    should I top my mother

    WOW thanak guys! your responcees are awesome I think I'm gonna pinch her tonight.I really want her to start producing babys as soon as possible so I'm gonna jump all over it.As far as removing any leaf I'm gonna do a little more research first I was always under the impression that they were the...
  14. TTT

    should I top my mother

    I have a plant that is 9 inches tall the lateral shoots are growing really nice but I'm wondering if yas think I should top it so I can get a couple clones sooner or if there is a better way to get more clones sooner. This is my first attempt at a mother and cloneing so ANY advice would be...
  15. TTT

    paint in the grow room??

    another quick question . Is there a difference between or is one better then another egg shell flat white or white latex primer. thanks again
  16. TTT

    paint in the grow room??

    alrighty then I'll giver a shot I'll keep ya posted on the results
  17. TTT

    paint in the grow room??

    but will the fumes hurt my plants while its drying i have no other place to put them. thanks for your input
  18. TTT

    paint in the grow room??

    I'v read hours and hours of material but I cant seem to find if latex paint will harm my plant.Ive only got one right now its an early skunk and she is doing really good but i have cheep mylar on the walls but it kinda see through like a 2 way mirror so i want to go to flat white paint. any info...
  19. TTT

    is this site narc free?

    ya cant blame me for being parinoid its kinda part of the biz it spooks me alot that they might track email or something but this place is really cool lots fo knolidgeable peeps ive been reading postes for months now just not able to reply cause i wasent a member
  20. TTT

    growing a mother to pinch or not to pinch

    I've just started a mother from seed currently she is about 8" tall latteral shoots aer starting nice so I'm not shure if I should pinch the top to get the lats rocking or if I should just leave her alone. My delema is I need as many little ones as possible before May 24. any sugestions on how...